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The party was wild but for some strange reason, all I could think about was Lexi. That look on her face, it was familiar. I recognized the fear. I just don't know what she was afraid of.
But now I do.

I was heading to the bathroom when I heard the shouts. Then I recognized Rafe's voice. "You want to act like a whore? I'll treat you like one!" he shouted. I walked closer and I saw Rafe holding Lexi by her throat against the car. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she was begging him to stop. He ripped her shirt open and laughed at her. She started choking and gasping for air and I ran towards them. "Get the fuck off of her!" I yelled as I shoved Rafe off her. He stumbled back and Lexi fell to her knees coughing. Rafe glared at me. "What are you doing here? This is none of your business." Rafe spat. "You made it my business when you put your hands on her." I said. "She's my girlfriend and I can handle her how I want to." he said. "She won't be for long if you touch her again." I said. Lexi stood up and her shaking hands held her shirt closed. She looked terrified. "Please, Rafe. I'm sorry. Please, can we just leave?" she asked. "No way! You aren't leaving with him." I said. "Yes, she is." he said. "No, she isn't. You are never going near her again." I said. "Oh really?" he scoffed. He looked at Lexi and she looked at me. Then it clicked. That look. It was the same look my mom had when she was around my dad. "Alexa, love... What do you have to say? Do you want to go with me?" he asked. She nodded. "Yes." she said quietly. "Lexi, he can't-" I started. "Rafe is right, it's none of your business." she said quietly. Rafe just smirked at me and it made me furious. I looked at the bruises forming on her neck and the blood seeping from her nose. Her hands trembled as she tried to keep herself covered with her torn clothes. She didn't deserve this. Nobody does.

"Come on, babe. Let's get you home." he said with a smug grin. She just nodded. "Lexi-" I started. "Just stop," she said. Her eyes were pleading. "I told you to leave it alone," she whispered as Rafe got in the car. Then I watched her get in his car and they drove off. Shit.


Rafe was quiet for a while as we drove. I wiped the blood from my nose and wiped my tears away. Then I looked at him. His knuckles were white from clenching the steering wheel so hard. We got to a red light and he finally looked at me. I quickly looked down. "Love, why did you go to the party? You know how I feel about those pogues." he said. "Brooke and Jenn told me about it and you were golfing so I just thought it might be fun." I said. His nostrils flared and he gritted his teeth. "And- and I missed you so I thought it could get my mind off that." I quickly added. "I don't want you hanging out there ever again, do you understand me? Those pogues are dirty criminals." he said. "I won't. I promise. I'm sorry." I said. He nodded. "And I don't want you hanging out with Brooke and Jennifer anymore." he added. My heart stopped and I looked at him. "What?" I said. "They get you into trouble. You're too impressionable. You wouldn't have gone if they didn't tell you to." he said. "But- but they're my best friends. I've been best friends with them since we were kids." I said as my eyes watered. "Friends come and go. We are forever." he said. "Rafe, please. I'll ask you before I do anything. I promise." I said. "I said NO!" he yelled. He pulled into my driveway with a halting stop. My head jerked forward and slammed back against the seat. I looked at him and tears fell to my cheeks. " I love them." I said. He cupped my face and smiled. "But you love me more," he said. And just like that, he won and I lost.
I nodded and we got out of the car. We went inside my house and it was dark and quiet. "Are your parents home?" I asked. "No, they're China for the summer." I said. He smirked. "Let's go upstairs," he said. He grabbed my hand and started to lead me to my room. We got inside and he shut the door and pushed me up against it. Before I could even say no, he pressed his lips to mine. "Wait- Rafe- slow down-" I started but he cut me off by kissing me harder. His hands pulled mine away from my shirt and he groped my breasts. "I don't want- my ribs- please- they hurt-" I stammered as I pushed his hands away. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the door. Then he leaned in so his face was inches from mine. "I'm sorry-" I started. "You owe me this. After all the trouble you caused tonight, you owe me." he hissed. Then he kissed me and looked at me again. "Do you want me to fuck you, Alexa?" he asked. His voice was low and dark. My eyes watered but I nodded. "Say it," he said. I stared at him and the fear grew. "Say it! Tell me you want me to fuck you like the whore you are." he spat. I exhaled a shaky breath. "I- I want you to- to fuck me like the wh- whore I am." I said quietly. He gave me a cruel grin. "Good girl." he whispered. He pulled me off the door and pushed me down on the bed. He pulled off his shirt and climbed on top of me. He kissed down my neck and breasts and I closed my eyes. He pulled off my shirt and then I heard the zipper on my shorts and he yanked them down. As he slammed himself inside of me, I gritted my teeth. He went so hard and so fast, it felt like my insides were being torn apart. Then he finished inside of me. He pulled out and laid down. I looked at him and my eyes widened. "You- you didn't use a condom?" I asked. "Shut up," he snapped. Then he pulled me down and I laid next to him. Eventually, I cried myself to sleep.

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