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The Next Day

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The Next Day...

"What time are we leaving?" I asked. It was around noon and Rafe and I were eating lunch at my house. "Leaving for what?" he asked. "Well, you said we could go into town today to get a dress. You know... for the Midsummer's party." I said. He paused and my heart was racing. "I suppose we could go today. You do need a new dress if you are going to be my date." he said. I smiled. "Really?" I said excitedly. He nodded. I hugged him. "Thank you," I said. "Of course babe, anything for you," he said. Then we heard a sharp knock on the door. He looked at me and his eyes darkened. "Who is that? Did you invite someone over?" he asked. I shook my head quickly. "No- no. I have no idea. I've been with you the whole time, I swear." I said. "Stay here. I'll answer it." he said. I just nodded and he opened the door. I stood at the opposite end of the hallway and he spoke to the person. Then the door opened further and Sheriff Peterkin walked in. Rafe was seething but he forced a smile. "Babe, the Sheriff needs to speak to you," he said. My heart stopped. He's going to kill me. I'm dead. I'm so dead. Don't screw this up.

"Hello Sheriff, how can I help you?" I asked. She looked at me with a curious look. "Could we speak somewhere privately?" she asked. "Is there-" I started. "Anything you need to say to her, you can say to me." Rafe said. He stood behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. He squeezed it just hard enough to hurt me. It was a warning pain. "Rafe's right. I'd rather he stay." I said with a forced smile. "I'm sure. But unfortunately I can't allow that. Why don't we talk outside. I'm sure you two can survive a few minutes apart." she said. I looked at Rafe. He kissed me. "I'll go get dressed. We can go when you two finish." he said. Then we went outside.

"So, you two live together?" she asked. "No. But my parents are in China until the end of summer. Rafe doesn't like me staying by myself." I said. She just nodded. "Not to be rude, but could I ask...why are you here? Did I do something?" I asked. "No. I think you know why I'm here, Miss Rhodes." she said. "I don't." I lied. "I'll give you a hint. It has something to do with those bruises." she said as she pointed to me. My face dropped. "I wiped out on my surfboard." I said. "Really?" she said. "Yes." I said sharply. "I've seen you surf. You're one of the best I know. I find it hard to believe that you fell." she said. "Everyone makes mistakes." I said. "Was that what really happened? Rafe made a mistake?" she asked. "No. And you shouldn't imply something like that for no reason." I snapped. "I do have a reason. I have 4 reasons. 5, if you count the bruises I'm seeing now." she said. "4 reasons?" I asked. "Yes. JJ Maybank, John B Routledge, Pope Heyward, and Kiara Carrera." she said. "They're lying." I said. "I didn't even tell you what they said." she said. "I know what they said and they're liars. Dirty lying criminal pogues!" I said. "Is that what Rafe told you to say?" she asked. "Stop implying what you are implying! Rafe loves me." I said. "Maybe he does. But did he do that to you?" she asked. "No." I said. "I can't help you if-" she said. "I don't need help. And you have no evidence of this theory so unless you are going to arrest me, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I said. I opened the back door and went inside. Rafe was waiting there. The Sheriff followed me inside. She handed me her card. "Call me if you change your mind." she said. I just took it and she left. Then I turned around and faced him. I knew what was going to happen. I braced myself.

Rafe stormed over and grabbed me. "Rafe- wait-" I said. He slammed me against the wall and my head hit the plaster so hard it left a dent. "Why the fuck was the sheriff here?" he yelled. Tears filled my eyes. "I don't know. I'm sorry!" I cried. "What did you tell her? What did you say?" he asked. "Nothing. I didn't tell her anything!" I said. Suddenly, he grabbed a steak knife from the drawer and held it to my throat. I gasped and froze. One move and he could slice my throat open. "You are going to tell me everything that was said between you two or I will kill you where you stand!" he spat. "She saw- she saw the bruises. I- I told her I fell off my surfboard. She didn't believe me but I convinced her. I told her you love me and I love you. I told her you didn't hurt me." I said. He narrowed his eyes. "Give me her card," he said. I quickly handed it to him and he ripped it to shreds. "If I find out that you lied or told her anything, I will end you. Do you understand me?" he asked. "Yes. Please Rafe. Just let me go." I pleaded. He let go and put the knife down. "Go clean yourself up. We are leaving in 5 minutes." he said. I nodded and went to my bathroom. I wiped my tears and covered the bruises. Then I went downstairs and we got in the car and left.

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