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The drive was quiet. I kept looking at Rafe. Looking for any last shred of humanity. Nothing.
"Rafe, why are you doing this? Why can't you just let me go?" I asked. He said nothing. 'You could have any girl you wanted. Why are you keeping me trapped?" I asked. "Everything I do is to teach you a lesson. I'm doing this to teach you that I own you. Not that dirty pogue." he spat. "So hurt me. Leave JJ alone." I said. He scoffed. "You don't get it, but you will. Don't worry," he said. More tears fell and I wiped them away. Then we stopped. And my heart sank. Barry's house. I should have known. I should have known he would be involved. I knew he would want revenge. Sarah was right. Rafe would never let this go. It would never be over. I got out of the car and Rafe grabbed my arm. He gripped it so tightly it left marks. We walked inside and I saw JJ. The second he saw me, he started struggling and yelling. But he was tied up and gagged.

"JJ!" I yelled. I ripped away from Rafe and ran over to him. I pulled the gag from his mouth and cupped his face. There were cuts and bruises. "Are you ok?" I asked. I looked at Barry. "What did you do to him?" I yelled. "He had a mouth," he snapped. "What are you doing here? Why would you come?" JJ asked. "I'm not going to let them hurt you." I said. "What do you think they are going to do to you?" he asked. I shook my head. "I'll be fine," I said. I kissed him and stood up and faced them. "You have me, you have what you want. Let him go." I said. They exchanged smug grins. "Stupid girl," Barry said. My face fell. "I told you, Lexi. You need to be taught a lesson. Unfortunately now so does JJ." he said. "No, no please. Rafe, you don't need to do this!" I begged. "Do what you want, just let her go!" JJ said. "No!" I said to him, "How cute," Barry taunted. "Do me a favor and hold her back," Rafe said to him. "My pleasure," Barry said. "Don't fucking touch her!" JJ yelled. Barry walked towards me and grabbed me. He pulled me away from JJ and I yelled for him. "JJ! Let go of me! Please don't hurt him!" I cried. Barry held one arm around my waist and one hand over my mouth. I struggled and fought but he held tight. Then Rafe struted up to JJ. "Do whatever you want, but if you touch her-" JJ started. Then Rafe punched him across the face. I screamed for him to stop but it was a muffled noise. Then he punched him in the ribs and JJ coughed and gasped for air. He kept punching and punching over and over. I screamed and begged for him to stop but he didn't. Not until JJ coughed blood on his white shirt. "Please, he needs a hospital!" I pleaded. JJ's head fell limp. Rafe walked behind him and grabbed his hair and forced his head up to look at me. "What do you think, Barry? Should I give him some more?" Rafe asked. "He can take it," Barry said. "Wait!" I yelled. Rafe stopped and looked at me. "You always say you only hurt me because I deserve it, right? To teach me a lesson. But JJ doesn't deserve it. So please, let him go." I begged. Rafe gave me a strange look. "Maybe you did learn something," he said. He put the gag back in JJ's mouth and stepped away from him. "Come here," he said. Barry let go of me and I walked towards him hesitantly. He smiled at me and moved my hair behind shoulder. "Take off your shoes," he said. I took off my heels and kicked them to the side. He was even taller now. He tugged at the front of my dress and looked in. "No bra, shocking." he said. I was quiet. "Take off your dress," he said. My face dropped. JJ screamed against the gag. More tears fell to my cheeks. Rafe wiped them away gently. I looked at JJ. His eyes were pleading. He was gagged but I could hear what he was saying. He was begging me to run. But I couldn't. If I ran and left him there, they would kill him. I looked back at Rafe. "No." I said quietly. "No?" he asked. Barry laughed. "You think you have a choice here?" Barry said. "Let JJ go and I'll do whatever you want." I said. They exchanged looks. "Sorry Lexi, we already decided he has to watch." Rafe said smugly. Then Barry launched towards me. He grabbed my body and held my arms. I started thrashing and kicking. I screamed and screamed. Then Rafe grabbed my legs.  "Get her down!" Rafe snapped. They pinned me to the ground right in front of JJ. "Hold her legs," Barry said. JJ watched in horror as he fought his bonds. He got the gag out and started to yell at them. "Let her go!" he screamed. Barry held my arms above my head and Rafe forced my dress up to my waist. "You sick fuck, let her go!" JJ screamed. Rafe pulled down his trousers and my underwear and forced himself inside me. I sobbed and begged him to stop. He just high fived Barry. When he finished and pulled out, they switched. Barry took his turn raping me. When they finished, I laid there on the floor, raw and bleeding. My dress was ripped, my underwear was gone. And then I looked over at JJ. There were tears on his cheeks and he looked scared. I'd never seen JJ cry before. Then Barry and Rafe came back. Barry had a chair and he placed it next to JJ's. Then Rafe picked me up and dragged me over to it. They tied me up and then they left. I could barely stay conscious. JJ looked at me but I didn't look at him. "Lex," he said. I said nothing. "Lex, look at me. Please." he said quietly. I finally did. I looked at him. "I'm sorry," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "You don't need to be sorry, Lex." he said. I just nodded. "Why didn't you run?" he asked. I looked at him in confusion. "Why did you think I would? I would never leave you behind." I said. "We need to get out of here," he said. "How?" I asked. "I don't know," he said. We are so fucked.

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