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"I'm leaving, Lexi!" Rafe called from downstairs. I went to the top of the stairs and looked over the railing. "Ok, bye. Have fun!" I said. "Thanks babe," he replied. I smiled and he left.

Finally, he's gone. I quickly got dressed and put on my shoes. Then I got on my bike and headed to the Cut. I rode and rode until finally, I arrived at JJ's house. I figured if I was going to warn the Pogues about the Kooks, JJ was my best bet. He might be the only one who will listen to me. John B, Kiara, Pope, they won't. And honestly, I don't blame them. Rafe treats them terribly. What they don't know is he is far more cruel to me than he is to them. But that doesn't matter. I parked my bike in front of his house and knocked on the front door. A minute or two later, it opened. But it wasn't JJ. It was his dad. "Well hello, little miss." he said. I forced a smile. "Hi Sir, is JJ home?" I asked. "No. I didn't know he had a girlfriend. And a kook one at that." he said with a laugh. "I'm not his girlfriend. I just need to talk to him." I said. He nodded. "Hm. Well, come on in and wait with me. I'll get us some beers." he said with a grin. I felt a pit in my stomach. "That's alright, I should go. I have to-" I said and I turned to leave. Then he grabbed my arm. "Don't be rude. Come have a drink with me," he said as he pulled me inside. I stumbled in and he shut the door. "I'm sorry, I really have to go." I said. "You think you're too good for me, kook princess?" he asked. "No, I just-" I started. "Good, then sit down. JJ will be here soon. Until then, we can hang out." he said. Then he pushed me down on the couch. It smelled of cigarette smoke and stale beer and the house was a mess. I just prayed that JJ would get here soon.

He handed me a beer and sat down next to me. I just held the cold bottle in my trembling hands as he tucked my hair behind my ear. "So kook princess, tell me, what's your interest in my worthless son?" he asked. I looked at him in shock. "JJ isn't worthless." I said quietly. He laughed. "I see, do you have a little crush on the boy from the wrong side of the tracks?" he asked. "No- I just need to talk to him. It's important. Is he going to be here soon?" I asked. He scooted closer to me. "What's your rush? Poverty isn't contagious." he asked. "I'm aware." I mumbled. "Good." he said as he lit a cigarette. He blew the smoke in my face and I coughed. "If you aren't interested in JJ, then who are you interested in? Maybe an older gentleman?" he asked. Then he slid his hand over my leg and dragged it up to my inner thigh. "No- I really need to go-" I started. I tried to leave but he gripped my leg tighter. "Come on, we're just having fun." he said. Then he kissed me and slipped his hand under my shirt. "Stop it!" I cried. His hand on my bra and I pushed him off of me and stood up. "I'm leaving!" I yelled. Then I ran outside. When I shut the door, I turned around and bumped into someone. I looked up and JJ was there.

"Lexi?" he said in shock. "I can't- I have to go-" I said with tears streaming down my cheeks. "What happened? Did Rafe-" he started. Then the door opened and his dad came back out. "Where are you going?" he said. JJ instantly pulled me behind him. "Dad, what's going on?" he asked. "Your kook princess is a little tease!" he yelled. JJ looked at me. "What did he do?" he asked. I just shook my head. "Don't you think I deserve something for my hospitality, sweetheart?" he asked. "Please- just leave me alone," I said. "You little slut! I know you want it!" he yelled. He stepped forward and JJ shoved him back. "Get away from her!" he yelled. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me away. "Let's go-" he started. "What?" I asked. "Get on the bike," he said as he sat down. I just nodded and got on. I held his waist and he drove off before his dad could catch up. Eventually, he pulled to a stop near the beach. I got off quickly and walked fast. "Lexi!" he called out. He ran up to me and I got to the lifeguard tower and stopped. "Lexi, wait!" he yelled. He stood in front of me and I stopped. I looked at him with watery eyes and his face fell. "What happened?" he asked. "Nothing," I said quietly. "I don't believe that," he replied. "I don't care!" I yelled. "Tell me. Tell me what he did to you." he said. I looked down. "Please," he said. "He kissed me- and- he- he put his hand under my shirt and I- I couldn't- I'm sorry." I said. He sighed. "I'm really sorry, Alexa," he said. I just nodded. "What were you even doing there?" he asked. "I came to see you." I said. He looked at me. "Why? Are you finally going to leave that psychotic boyfriend of yours?" he asked. My face dropped. "No." I said sharply. "Jesus Christ. Why? He beat the hell out of you. Why do you stay with him?" he asked. "He loves me." I said. "No, he doesn't. That's not love." he said. "You don't know anything and that's not why I came to see you." I said. "Then why?" he asked. "I came to warn you." I said. He gave me a strange look. "The Kooks want revenge. Topper said you put a gun to his head and that the Pogues messed with him. And Rafe is angry because- because you helped me." I said. "So?" he said. "So I can't let you get hurt because of me. It's not fair." I said. "I would do it again," he said. "Don't. Just stay out of it. Please. It was my fault. I made him angry." I said. He scoffed. "That's your excuse. You made him angry so he gets to leave bruises? Are you insane?" he asked. "He didn't mean to. He apologized. I swear." I said. "Fucking hell, what did he do to you? I can see how scared you are of him but you are more scared to leave. Why?" he asked. I said nothing. "Tell me why?!" he yelled. I looked at him. "Because he'll kill me." I said.
Then I just walked away. And he didn't follow.

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