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She's in my arms, but she's not here. I'm covered in her blood and tears are streaming down my cheeks. I can hear the noise around me but I don't care. I can hear sirens, people talking, all of it. But all I can see is Lex. I closed her eyes and wiped my tears. "JJ, they- they need to take her." John B said. I looked at him and there were people standing with a body bag and Sheriff Peterkin was there. I just shook my head. "No," I said. "JJ, you need to let them take her. She deserves-" Pope started. "She deserves what?" I snapped. They were quiet. "She didn't deserve to die, so just stop." I said. They nodded. "I can't imagine how you feel right now, but we need to take her to the morgue. We still have to call her parents." Sheriff Peterkin said. I sighed. "Not yet, please. Just a little longer." I begged. She sighed. "Ok, you can sit with her while I write my notes. That's about 3 minutes. Ok?" she said. "Thank you," Kiara said. I just moved the hair from her face and held her closer. A few minutes later, they were back. "Ok, we have to take her now. More tears fell to my cheeks and John B helped me up and pulled me back. They placed her in a body bag and put her on a gurney. They were about to wheel her away to the car and I couldn't do it. "Wait!" I yelled. They stopped and looked at me. "JJ, come on. You have to let her go." Kiara whispered. I walked over and looked at her. "I love you. And I always will," I said. I placed my hand on her chest and my heart broke. I looked at John B. "I can't feel her heartbeat, I can't feel her-" I said. I began to sob and John B pulled me into his arms. They pulled her away and she was gone. "I loved her, I loved her so much," I cried. "She knew," Kiara said. "Let's get him home," John B said quietly. They nodded and a deputy drove us home.


JJ is broken. He hasn't eaten, drinking or spoken in 3 days. We got home and he laid down on his bed and he hasn't moved. He just lays there. Sometimes he cries and sometimes he's silent. "What do we do?" Pope asked. I shrugged. "He needs time." Kiara said. "How much? I mean- he needs food. Or water. He hasn't eaten in days," Pope said. "I'll try again," I said. They nodded. I took a water bottle into his room and sat on the edge of his bed. "JJ," I said quietly. He was staring straight ahead. "JJ, you need to drink some water, or eat something. Please." I said. He ignored me. "Please JJ," I said. Nothing. "This isn't what Lexi would want for you," I said. His body went stiff and he looked at me. He sat up with a dark look on his face. "What did you just say?" he asked. "I said this isn't what Lexi-" I started. "How do you know what she would want? Huh? She's dead! She's dead and it's all my fault. So don't tell me what she would want!" he screamed as he lunged forward. Kiara and Pope ran in and held him back. "JJ! Stop!" Pope said. "No! She's dead! She's dead and she isn't coming back! It was supposed to be me!" he yelled. He began to cry again. "It was supposed to be me," he said as he fell to the floor. He curled up in a ball and cried in the corner. "JJ-" Kiara started. "Please- just leave me alone," he said quietly. We all exchanged worried looks. "Please, leave," he said. We nodded and left.


"Ok, we've given him a week. But this can't go on," I said. "Come on, John B." Pope said. "No, he needs to at least eat something or drink some water. Just because Lexi died doesn't mean he gets to die too." I said. They both looked down. "Ok, let's all go talk to him." Kiara said. We were about to knock on his door when there was a knock on our front door. We all froze. "I'll get it," I said with a sigh. I went to the door and opened it. It was Sarah Cameron. "Hey," she said softly. I looked at her strangely. "Hi," I said. "Is JJ here?" she asked. I nodded. "Can I see him?" she asked. "No!" Kiara snapped. I turned around and she was standing behind me. "Kie-" I started. "Her brother just murdered Lexi. Do you really think he wants to see her?" she said. "She was my friend too," Sarah said quietly. I looked at her and the tears were pricking at the corners of her eyes. "Ok, come in." I said. "What?!" Kiara said. "Kie, just let her talk to him. Let her try." I said. She sighed and nodded. Then we went to JJ's room.

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