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The sun set and it grew dark. But JJ and I just danced. I haven't seen Rafe and even if I did, I wouldn't care. JJ spun me around and we laughed. People gave us dirty looks and I heard whispers. People talked about me. Me and the pogue. But I was happy. Finally. I was happy.

"Whew! I need a drink," I said. "Do you want me to get you something?" he asked. "I can go with-" I started. "Alexa," a voice said. I turned around and it was Sarah. "I'll get us drinks. You two talk." he said. I nodded and he left. Then I turned to face her. "John B told me. He told me about Rafe." she said. My face fell. I pulled her from the dance floor and behind the building. "Why wouldn't you tell me? I could have helped. Why did he- why would you stay with him?" she said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you but it's over now. I ended it and I'm with JJ now. I'm happy. So can we just let it be?" I asked. "You need to tell the police what he did!" she exclaimed. "He's your brother, you want him to go to jail?" I said. "No, but what he did...that's what he deserves. And you don't understand... it's not over. It's never over with Rafe." she said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You dated him for years. You must have noticed. There's something wrong with him. Psychologically." she said. I went quiet. "Tell me the truth, if Rafe went to the doctor and they told him he was a psychopath would you doubt it for even a second?" she asked. I shook my head. "I'm just saying, please be careful. I don't want him to hurt you more than he already has." she said. I hugged her. "I'll be fine, Sarah." I said. She nodded and left.


I watched Lexi and Sarah walk off and once I knew she would be fine, I went to get drinks. "2 whiskeys please," I said. The bartender gave me a look. "Fine, two cokes." I said. He handed them to me and I turned around only to be confronted by Rafe, Kelce and Topper. "Hello boys, looking spiffy tonight." I said smugly. "What are you doing here?" Topper snapped. "I was invited." I said casually. Kelce scoffed. "By whom?" he spat. I looked at Rafe. "He knows who," I said. Rafe's eyes went dark. "I knew it," he said in a low voice. "Well, I'll be off. My girlfriend is waiting for her drink." I said smugly. As I walked off Rafe shouldered me and the drinks spilled on my brand new suit. I whipped around and shoved him back. "You prick!" I yelled. One night. I just wanted one night for Lexi to have fun. For her to be happy. Then security walked over and the boys left. "You're done, kid." he said. He grabbed me and started to drag me out. "Wait- but my girlfriend is here. Lexi is here. I can't leave-" I started. "She'll be better off without you, pogue." he spat. He tossed me out the party and I flipped him off. I took off my jacket and the vest part of my suit. My shirt was still dirty. I was walking out when a car pulled up. It was old and rusty. There's no way this is a kook. I turned around to see who it was and when I did, I was staring down the barrel of a gun. I froze and put my hands up. It was Barry. Fuck. "Get in the car," he spat. "No, Lexi is-" I started. He bashed me over the head with the gun and I fell to the ground as my vision blurred. He knelt down and looked at me. "Lexi will be taken care of, don't worry," he said. He punched me in the face 2 more times until I blacked out. When I opened my eyes, I was sitting in a chair. My wrists were tied to the arms of the chair and my ankles were tied to the legs. I struggled to get free but I couldn't. There was a bandanna in my mouth so I couldn't scream either. Fuck, all I could think about was Lexi. What would he do to her?


I went back to the party and looked around. No JJ. I went to the bar and he wasn't there either. I looked through the club asking around and looking for him. About 20 minutes later, I was panicking. "Excuse me, did a boy with blonde hair and a floral bow tie come through here?" I asked a server. "Sorry, I don't-" he started. "I know where loverboy is," a dark voice said. I froze. I immediately recognized the voice. I turned around and Rafe was standing there. I kept my head held high and I looked at him. Be strong, that's what JJ would say. I need to find him. "Where is he?" I asked. Rafe walked towards me and for every step he took forward, I took one back. Then my back hit the wall and he towered over me. "Where is JJ?" I said sharply. "Did you miss me, babe?" he asked as he caressed my cheek. I pulled his hand away. "Not in the slightest. Now tell me where JJ is." I snapped. He gave me a fake pouty face. "That hurts my feelings," he said. I glared at him. Then I felt his hand dragging up my inner thigh. I felt sick. "I sure missed this," he whispered in my ear. I felt his hot breath on my neck and a chill went down my spine. I kneed him in the groin and shoved him back. "Fuck you!" I spat. Then I started to run when he called after me. "You'll never find him. Not without me." he said. I ran anyway and began to look again. I ran out of the party and asked the valet if he left. He didn't. I stood in the street and tears filled my eyes. Then Rafe walked up to me. "Where is JJ?" I cried. He smirked and held up his phone. I looked at the screen and my heart stopped. There was a picture. It was JJ. He was tied up, his face was bloody and there was a gun pointed at his head. Tears fell to my cheeks. I looked at Rafe. "Please, don't hurt him. It's me you want. Take me instead." I pleaded. He gave me a cruel smile. "Oh I intend to." he said. Then he started to walk towards his car. "Let's go." he said. I followed him and got in the car. Please, please let him be ok.

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