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I stared out the window as Rafe drove and kept my shaking hand tucked under my legs so he didn't see. I noticed him occasionally glance over at me. He was checking if I was ok. I knew he felt bad. He just lost his temper. It was my fault. And JJ's. I can't believe they told the sheriff.

"Babe-" he said gently. I looked at him. "You know I never meant to scare you," he said. "I know." I said with a small smile. "I only do what I have to do to teach you a lesson. I just want you to learn, so you can be better. You understand...right?" he asked. My smile faded. "Of course, I'm lucky to have you." I said. He smiled. "I love you," he said. "I love you too," I said quickly. I knew not to hesitate. The last time I hesitated before saying it back, he gave me a split lip. But in a way, he's right. He teaches me a lesson, and I learn. And if I don't, he teaches me again. So when I think about leaving him, I know what will happen. I've learned my lesson and I don't think about it anymore. There's no escape for me, I might as well just try to keep him happy. I just wish JJ and the pogues would stay out of it. I get they're trying to help. I do. And it's nice of them. But I wish they'd stop. I don't need help. Not anymore. I just wish this was over.

The car pulled to a stop and we were outside my favorite dress shop. "It's your favorite," he said. I smiled. "You remembered," I said. He nodded. We got out and he took my hand. We walked in and the owner greeted us. Then I began to browse through the dresses. "Nothing too short," Rafe reminded me. I nodded. Eventually, he picked out 2 dresses for me that he liked and I went to try them on. I had the first dress on and I looked in the mirror. Then I heard a knock on the door. "Rafe?" I said. He knocked again so I quickly opened the door. But it wasn't Rafe. JJ quickly pushed inside and I stumbled back. "JJ? What the hell are you doing?" I exclaimed. "Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing." he said sharply. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and rolled my eyes. "Get out!" I snapped.

"Why didn't you tell Sheriff Peterkin about Rafe?" he asked. "I have a better question. Why did you tell her?" I asked. "Because I'm trying to help you!" he said. "You just made things worse. Rafe almost killed me!" I said. His face fell. Shit, I didn't mean to tell him that. "What? What did he do?" he asked. "Nothing." I mumbled. "Did he hurt you?" he asked. "No." I said. "Did he- did he force you to-" he started. "Stop!" I yelled. He froze. "Don't finish that sentence." I said. "Lexi-" he started. "No. Rafe has never raped me. Ever." I said. "You're trying to tell me that you wanted that?" he said with doubt in his voice. "Yes," I said quietly. "I don't believe you. You were barely conscious since he beat you so badly and you were bleeding afterwards." he said. I looked down and my cheeks burned. "He just- he got a little rough." I said. "Lexi, he almost killed you. I wasn't sure you were going to wake up." he said. His voice was so hurt, so sad. I felt awful. "But I did." I said. "What if you didn't?" he said. I looked at him with confusion. "What?" I asked. "Lexi, you told me you can't leave Rafe because he will kill you. But you can't stay with him either." he said. "Yes, I can. As long as I do what he says and keep him happy, everythings fine." I said. "Everythings not fine, Lexi and you know it." he said. I looked away. "I know you're scared. Please- please let me help you." he pleaded. My eyes filled with tears and I exhaled a shaky breath. "Even if I was willing to risk my safety to leave him, I'm not willing to risk yours. Or John B's or Pope's or Kiara's. He will go after all of you and you don't deserve that." I said. "You don't get to decide those things for me," he replied. I shrugged. "But I did." I said. He sighed. "Give me your phone," he said. I paused. "Why?" I asked. "Just do it." he said. I handed it to him and he used it for a second before handing it back. I looked down at the screen and there was a contact. It was a number with the name Claire (lab partner). "Why does it say lab partner?" I asked. "It's my number with a fake name, so Rafe doesn't know. If anything ever happens or if you change your mind, call me. I can be there in an instant." he said. "It's really not necessary, JJ. I'll be-" I started. "Please, just keep it." he pleaded. I nodded hesitantly. "Good. You can call anytime. Ok? Promise?" he asked. I smiled. "I promise." I said. He nodded. Then he looked at me one last time. "I would get a different dress," he said sadly. "Why? Is it bad?" I asked. "No, you look beautiful. But I can see the bruises on your ribs." he said. My face fell. Then he slipped out and went out the back door. I put my phone away and tried on the other dress. It was better. I grabbed some matching shoes and went to pay. When we finished, Rafe went to pick out a suit. Then it was time to go.

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