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It's been 8 days since you arrived to Storybrooke and finally Regina left you alone for the first time.

It's not that you didn't want to stay with her nor you didn't like spend time with the woman, it's just that you had a little secret she couldn't absolutely know about.

You smoked.

Once when you were 12 an older guy in one of the many foster homes you've been, challenged you to smoke a whole cigarette without coughing or throwing up and of course, being the stubborn head you were, you accepted.

You won and even put out the cigarette on his arm, but you also gained a nicotine addiction.

Regina left that morning to go to her office to do some work which needed to be done and you seized the moment to smoke your first cigarette after 8 days.

You went to the backyard using the backdoor and lit up your cigarette. You inhaled the smoke and let it burn your throat and lungs in that cruelly soft way that you loved oh so much.

You weren't proud of yourself, but damnit, you missed smoking so much.

You just stayed there, cigarette in hand and relaxing while listening to Lana Del Rey. The autumn breeze was gently blowing on your face, sending a chill down your spine.

As soon as the cigarette ended you wrap it in a tissue and brought it to the bathroom, then flushed it down the toilet. After that you washed your hands carefully, but didn't brush your teeth, because Regina was going to be back home at 5pm and it was only 2, you were going to smoke another one for sure.

You then sat on the couch and played with your phone a little while listening to your playlists on Spotify. You were so relaxed that you closed your eyes and fell asleep.


You woke up a little after...or at least you thought. You looked at your phone and it was 4.57pm.


Regina asked you to clean a couple of dishes and of course you've forgotten about them.

You ran to the kitchen and cleaned them as fast as you could and then put them back in the pantry, but apparently luck wasn't on your side that day: in the rush of tidying everything before Regina's arrival you dropped a plate on the floor and it shattered in million pieces.

You just stared at it, tears starting to form in the corners of your eyes.

Once again, you remembered all the punishments you received in the past and, even if you knew that Regina wasn't going to lay a hand on you, you couldn't help but to be scared to death.

You were at the mercy of your fear, having no clue on what to do, but of course your new favorite person was there to help you and tell you that everything was going to be fine.

"Y/n stay there, don't move or you'll cut yourself" Regina said kindly.

When the hell did she arrive?!

She took a broom and swept the floor, while you just stood there, crying and trembling.

"I'm sorry Regina, I really am!" you cried out. You just kept repeating that sentence to the point that it no longer made sense to you.

Then, the most amazing thing happened: she got closer and picked you up in her arms, like you were a toddler.

And sometimes you wish you were.

Childhood with Regina as your mom must have been amazing, you were sure about that.

"Sweetie it's okay" she said while she bounced you up and down a little in her arms, trying to calm you down. You hid your face in her neck and inhaled her scent and letting it calm your nerves.

Momma MillsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin