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You sat on your bed and dropped your shoulders sighing heavily.

That amazing day was slowly turning into a nightmare.

I need air.

You got near the glass sliding door and opened it, stepped outside on the little balcony and sat on your rocking chair. The air was breaking your bones and your skin was covered with goosebumps, but you didn't care.

Your only thought was to get fresh air.

You felt your lungs burning and a new set of fat fresh tears was streaming down your cheeks.

You leaned into the chair and watched the harbor, then everything fell silent and dark.

"No! Please stop!"

"Shut up bitch, stay still"

"It wasn't me! I swear, I didn't do it"

"Beside being a thief, you're also a fucking liar!"

"No! I swear I didn't do it!"

"Y/n! Y/n!"

"I didn't do it, I swear!"

"Y/n! Y/n!"

"Y/n wake up!" Regina was yelling as she held you in her arms. You were on your right side and your head was placed on her lap.

The brunette was petting your hair and sighed deeply in relief as she noticed that your eyes were open.

"Thank God" Regina said and tilted her back and closed her eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek. She wiped it with the sleeve of her nightgown and after that blew her nose.

"Y/n, honey, how are you feeling?" she asked worriedly as she kept petting your hair. A strong migraine was making your head pound and you felt sick.

You didn't answer, you stood up and just wanted to go to bed, but as soon as you did your knees were as weak as jelly. Regina immediately caught you and held you close to her chest, whispering reassuring words in your ear.

"It's ok baby, I'm here"

She lay you down on your bed and lay next to you, holding your against her chest.

"I wanna be alone" you whispered, not really meaning what you said, and she only held you closer. "No, I'm not leaving you. You might not wanna talk to me and I respect that, but I can't let something like this happen again".

You stayed still and this time you didn't push her away. She gave you a delicate kiss on the neck and put her head on the pillow.

You kept your eyes open, those flashbacks still hunting you.


A couple of hours later

Regina was fast asleep next to you, her arms still holding you close to her. You could feel the sound of her beating heart. You turned on your other side and stared at her like the first time you two slept in the same bed.

Her chest was raising and falling slowly, little puffs of air coming out of her mouth and nostrils.

Unlike the first time tho, Regina didn't look happy, she looked exhausted.

A pang of guilt hit you in the chest.

Regina was exhausted and it was your fault.

You caressed her cheek and got close to her face, your lips almost touching hers. "I'm sorry" you whispered and kissed her. The kiss was short, but it was honest.

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