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You were standing in front of the police station, pondering if enter or not.

You wanted to know more about Regina's past, that was true, but looking for information about her like this maybe was wrong.


You wanted to talk to Regina and ask her question in front of a cup of hot Cocoa, but something told you that she wasn't going to open up that easily.

You woke before her this morning and slid out of bed silently, careful not to make any noise. You got dressed, took a cereal bar from the kitchen and went out.

Despite being only 7.17am, Storybrooke was already awake. A blonde man with blue eyes was painting the banister in front of his house while a petite brunette stood beside him with a cup of coffee.

They look like a modern version of Snow White and Prince Charming you thought with a giggle as you walked to the station.

To reach the station you had to walk in front of Granny's and when you did she was outside of the diner with a tall perky brunette who was wearing latex boots with high heels.

That must be Ruby

You gave them a smile and, without being rude, you tried to walk a little faster to avoid to be stopped by the women, but your plan didn't work.

"Hey, you must be y/n!" Ruby said as she plastered a beautiful white smile. Her lips were painted in a dark red and, somehow, she looked like a odd version of Regina: dark hair, brow eyes, tall and slim, passion for high heels.

"Oh y/n, good morning honey" Granny's said as she pinched your cheek.

"Good morning, and yes, I'm y/n" you responded as you offered her your hand. She took it and shook it strongly.

"What are you doing outside this early? Where's Regina?" Granny's asked concerned as she glanced around to look for your dark-haired mom. "I'm here alone, I couldn't sleep, so I thought that some fresh air could help" you lied as you slowly tried to walk away.

"I bet you haven't had breakfast yet" Ruby said politely as she fixed her hair with her hand.

"No, actually I hav-"

"Come in, I'll give you something" Granny said as she took your hand.

"Oh no Granny, I don't have any money with me" you tried to explain, but Granny didn't want to listen and she dragged you into the diner.

You sat on a stool near the counter and talked to Ruby as Granny made you breakfast. Thanks to Ruby, you discovered that Regina dreamed about becoming a Literature professor, but she ended being the Mayor because she took her mother's place. Regina used to play with Ruby and babysitter her sometimes.

You drank the hot cocoa Granny made and gladly ate the piece of chocolate cake she gave you.

"Now I really have to go, thank you" you said and left the diner.

You started to walk towards the station and finally, after about 7 minutes, you arrived to your destination.

You pushed the door open and walked in the hallway untill you reached a room with two desks and two cells. It was empty, but you knew someone was there because a streaming mug of dark coffee was placed on the near the window. You got closer to it and gave a better look to the room, trying to understand where the Sheriff or whoever has been there went.

Maybe she had an emergency and she had to go somewhere?

Nah, that wasn't possible. The Police Station was on the opposite side of town where your house was, so if something had happened you would've have noticed.

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