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You woke up in the middle of the night, a little disoriented since you couldn't recognize the walls around you, but then everything that happened the previous day came back to your mind and you relaxed.

Regina's arms were still draped around you like they were before you fell asleep on her chest. She was behind and as she was the big spoon you could feel her hot breath on your neck.

Oh God, now that I have her this close falling asleep is impossible you thought as you turned around and faced her.

She was beautiful as always.

The moonlight was shining through the window behind, kissing Regina's caramel skin in a way that made her look like an angel of a painting.

Her curly hair were sprawled on her pillows and some was stuck to her mouth, so you carefully lifted your hand and put a stray of her hair behind her ear.

The moment you did she mumbled something you couldn't understand and you panicked, thinking she was awake, but then she just stayed still and kept sleeping.

You looked at her for some minutes, just enjoying her natural beauty.

You caressed her cheek delicately and her reaction to your touch was the cutest think you've ever seen in your entire life: she wrinkled her nose and then furrowed her eyebrows a little, making you almost giggle, but you immediately put your hand on your mouth and stopped yourself from doing so.

"I love you Gina, thank you" you whispered and then tucked your head under her chin, falling asleep again



You stirred as you opened your eyes, immediately looking for the brunette who's changed your life in less than 10 days and she was still there, sleeping peacefully next to you.

You still felt bad for the way you treated her the day before, so you decided to apologize by making her breakfast.

You tip-toed down to the kitchen and took all the ingredients you needed, then you started your mission; after some researches on the Internet, some difficulties finding the ingredients and a mashed egg on the floor, you finally made pancakes. They weren't particularly round, but they looked good and you were sure Regina wasn't going to mind their irregular shape.

You put them in a plate, took the mug of coffee you also have made to complete the breakfast and went upstairs.

When you entered the room Regina was stirring like you did and after her yawn ended she noticed your presence

"Good morning hon-what's this amazing smell?" she asked as she got on her knees on the mattress.

You only now noticed that she was no longer wearing the night robe she put on the night prior, now she was only wearing her white nightgown, which is very transparent; from the way the sun was shining on her body and her new position you could clearly see her perfect breasts and hard nipples under the nightdress.

You swallowed - or at least you tried - before answering and then said "I just wanted to apologize, for what I did yesterday" and you showed her the plate and handed her the mug.

"Oh" she only said and raised a perfect eyebrow.

"Oh" what the hell does that mean?

You weren't expecting a great reaction, at the end you only made some ugly pancakes, but you weren't expecting that for sure.

She sipped on the coffee and then made a satisfied sigh. She eyed you after putting the mug on her night table.

"This is very nice of you y/n" she only said and took a pancake in her hands, ripping off a small piece of it and putting it in her mouth.

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