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"Honey, it's time to go!"

"I'm coming" you responded as you put your shoes on. You threw your schoolbag over your shoulder and went downstairs.

"Lock the door please" Regina said and handed you the keys.

You did as told and then hopped into the the car. Regina buckled you up and started driving to your school.

5 minutes later you were already arrived and your mom kissed your temple. "See you later honey and don't worry about your test, you'll do great".

"Thank you mama" and you kissed her cheek.

You got out of the car and Regina drove away right away. She would usually wait for you to enter in to the building, but that morning she had an important meeting at work and she was already running late, so you were left alone in front of your school.

Everyone was already in their classes, so the schoolyard was empty. You started to walk towards the entrance, but you stopped when something hit your arm.

You turned around and saw a dark grey car driving away; you couldn't see the driver tho, the car windows were tinted.

You were confused as you've never been and gave another glance around, looking for a witness of the strange fact, but no one was there.

You were about to walk away, thinking it was just a stupid joke, but then something caught your eye: the rock which hit hit your arm wasn't a simple rock, it was bigger than usual rocks and it was a bright green. You picked it up from the ground and noticed that there was a note written on it.

Her studio. Black drawer.

You looked at the note confused, not having a clue of what was going on. You flipped the rock, looking for other information, but it was empty. You even tried to recognize the handwriting, but you failed.

The clock of the two tower chimed and you realized that it was already 8.30am.

Shit! and with that you rushed into the building, stuffing the rock into the pocket of your coat.


"Y/n, you're here" Miss Blanchard exclaimed as you entered the classroom. "I'm sorry Miss, I didn't hear the alarm this morning" you responded and sat on your chair. "That's ok y/n, don't worry" and with that Mary-Margaret started her lesson.

Belle didn't talk to you as much as she used to, but that was fine with you; she was still mad, you got it, she had any right to be.

The time flew and it was already time of your forth period. You had PE for the last two hours and a horrible idea crossed your mind.

Your PE professor, Mister Locksley, wasn't a particular observant person and he never noticed if one of his students was missing his lessons, so you had a choice to make: go to the gym room and have lesson with him or sneak out, go home and check Regina's drawer.

The second idea was particularly risky because Regina would have gotten so mad if she found had out and you weren't sure that the misterious author was talking about her office. To be honest, you've never noticed a black drawer.

After thinking about for some time, you finally made your choice: you packed your things and left.

"Hey, where are you going?" Belle asked you as she ran towards.

"I-I'm just going to the bathroom" you said nervously and she raised her eyebrow.

"With your schoolbag?" she asked and giggled.

Your cheeks turned red and you let out a nervous chuckle. "Belle, I have to go home, can I trust you not to tell anyone?".

She looked at you with a look that said "duh you silly, of course you can trust me". She hugged you and told you to go before a professor walked in and caught you.

Momma MillsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt