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You stood in front of the cemetery gate, looking around to be sure that no one was around.

It was only 7.45 in the morning, so that part of Storybrooke where the cemetery was, was still asleep.

As every morning, you gave Regina a kiss and then headed out of your home.

The professor of your first period was absent that day, but you didn't tell Regina, so you could have an entire hour to try and discover what that weird key was able to open.

You pushed the metal gate open and, surprisedly,it opened without making any type of loud noise. The only sound that could have been heard was the sound of the leaves falling on the soil.

You started to walk and, as Emma told you, you walked past tree apple trees and reached a little stream that passed thoughout the whole cemetery and among the old graves.

You jumped on the other side of the bank and kept walking, until you finally reached Regina's family mausoleum.

It was littler than you expected, but still nice. Even tho you knew that Regina had made this built to keep her family together even in the after life - or at least that's what Emma said -, but the idea that Regina's dead father was in that mausoleum crept you out.

You took the key out of your pocket and inserted it into the door lock. You turned the key a couple of times and, after some bad words and sighs, eventually the door opened.

You smiled widely and put your hand over your heart, feeling proud of yourself.

You closed the door behind you and gave yourself a couple of seconds to get used to the feeble light inside of the mausoleum. You squinted your eyes a couple of times and the room started to take a shape.

You could see a couple of shelves with some flowers on them and there was a little window on the wall in front of you.

You took a couple of steps and as soon as you did so you bumped into something. You took your phone and used the torch to see the room better.

You bumped into a coffin made of stone.

You felt a shiver running down your spine. You took a deep breath and looked for a light switch. When you found it, you switched the light on.

You walked around the coffin and read the gold plate on it "Henry Mills".

That's probably Regina's father

You leaned on the coffin and looked for something in the room, even tho you didn't know what. Something felt off, but you couldn't put your finger on it.

You heard a quite mechanic noise and the coffin slowly slipped forward.

Oh my God...

You turned around and pushed the coffin even farther, making an incredible effort.

Once you pushed the coffin completely forward, a stair could be seen.

What the hell...

You looked at the time, it was 8.07am, you still had some time.

You went down a couple of stairs, trying to be as silent as possible.

You went all the way down the stairs and you found yourself in a little room, completely different from the mausoleum: the walls were dark and made of stone, the light was bright down there and there were lots of decorations made of gold.

It almost looked like a picture from an old book of History.

You walked farther into the room and you got scared when you saw a person standing in front of you.

Momma MillsWhere stories live. Discover now