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You got out of the bathtub once the water started to become colder and you warpped yourself in the new black bathrobe Regina bought for you.

You watched your face in the mirror, noticing that despite being in Storybrooke for barely a week, the dark bags under your eyes were starting to disappear.

In Boston sleeping wasn't easy. You shared your room with other 3 kids and they used to make lots of noise since they were all under the age of 10.

You sat on your bed and dried your body lazily, your movements distracted and slow.


"I just wanted to say goodnight" you said to Regina as you stood on the theshold of her bathroom. She was brushing her teeth when you arrived, but she motioned to come closer with her hand. She dried her mouth and hands with a hand towel and then wished you a goodnight.

"Sweet dreams honey" she said as she kissed your head.

You went back to your room, switched off the lights and hid under the soft sheets of your bed.

You turned around and changed position many times, but you just couldn't fall asleep. Your body was tired and begging you to get some rest because of what Regina did to you, on the other hand your mind was wide awake for the same reason.

It felt good, then way I'm making such a big deal? you questioned yourself as you stared at the ceiling above your head.

You just couldn't understand. Or better, you did understand why it was wrong, but you didn't want to admit it.

As if she could hear the war that was happening in your heart, the door opened and it revealed the figure of Regina. You immediately closed your eyes, not wanting her to know that you were still awake for some unknown reasons.

She came closer to you and sat on the edge of the bed, she pushed away some stray of your hair and then spoke: "I know you don't understand why I'm doing this, but I hope you'll forgive me one day. I'm just trying to be a good mother, but I'm a child of violence and divorce, so pain is all I know. I really hope you'll forgive one day little one. I love you" she kissed your forehead and left the room, leaving the door crack open.

Wow...that was intense you thought as you rolled in your bed once again.

Regina was a mistery for you and you couldn't wait to know more about her.


"Where are we going Gina?" you asked as she fastened your seatbelt.

I'm not a baby Regina you thought and you were about to roll your eyes at her, but you stopped on time, you knew better.

The fact that sometimes she treated you as a child didn't bother you actually, totally the opposite, you were happy to have someone who took such good care of you, it was just that you weren't used to receive all that attention.

"It's a surprise, you'll see once we get there" she responded raising her eyebrows playfully and you giggled at her.

You loved the fact that she was so firm, but so silly at the same time.

About 15 minutes later Regina was parking her car in front of a mall and you couldn't be happier.

Well, the thought of being among so many people scared you a little, but you were with Regina, so everything was going to be fine.

"Are you ready?" she asked as she stretched her hand for you to take and you happily took it as you nodded.

The ma wasn't particularly big, but it was cozy and nice, like the rest of Storybrooke after all. You didn't know much about shopping or shops, so you decided that Regina was going to guide you.

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