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"I found them Gina" you said proudly as you showed her the plastic bag with carrots in them. "Good job baby, put them in the shopping cart so we can go look for the chocolate now".

As Regina pushed the shopping cart you threaded your hand inside her coat pocket to keep it warm. The brunette did the same and rubbed the back of your hand with her thumb, that beautiful feeling exploded in your tummy like it always did when Regina touched you.

"So the chocolate must be-Zelena, good morning" Regina said hi to her sister flatly, her voice changing completely, from sweet and nice, to annoyed and mean.

"Oh look who's here, my beautiful little sister" Zelena said in a sarcastic tone.

Something happened between these two for sure

"Zelena don't you even try to do that" Regina hissed and took your hand to walk away, but Zelena spoke again.

"Do what? Worry for my stupid little sister?"

You wanted to stand up for Regina like you did when you met Emma, but you preferred saying nothing. Regina still didn't know about your little trip to her sister's studio the month before, so you preferred staying quiet.

"This is not the moment nor the appropriate place to have this conversation Zelena, if you want to talk like two adults be in my office on Monday at 8am sharp" Regina practically growled in Zelena's face. Your grip on her hand tighned when she did so.

You know it wasn't the right moment, but Regina was Incredibly hot when she was mad and you couldn't help but thinking about her hand squeezing your throat in that moment.

"Oh wow, that's" Zelena sighed heavily as she let out a sad chuckle "incredible Regina, you are incredible. You don't talk to me for almost 2 years and now, out of the blue, you want to be a responsible person and talk to me? If you're doing this only to show y/n how great her mom is you can save it".

Regina let your hand go and stretched her arm out, taking a fistful of Zelena's shirt and pulling her close to her face. Regina was furious, you could see it in her eyes. A new type of raw rage was in them.

Regina was possessive and touching something she considered hers was never a good idea.

"Say her name again and this stupid umbrella you have with you will be the only roof on your head. I'll take everything away from you: your house, your job, your money, everything. I'll destroy you, humiliate you and then I'll smash you under my shoe like the useless bug you are"

Ehm...wow, that was...wow

Zelena just looked at her in the eyes, disgust written all over her face. She despited her sister just as much as Regina did, but behind that strong and disrespectful façade you could see that Zelena cared for her. On the other hand Regina looked like a statue.

Static, empty, this is how Regina looked like when she was near her sister.

"Let's go y/n, we don't have time to waste". She took your hand and you walked away with her. While Regina was practically dragging you away from Zelena, you turned around and looked at her. As you already though, her mask was already fallen and she looked hurt like a little lamb. You gave her a soft smile, apologizing somehow for Regina's words, but she didn't return it. She just eyed you for a couple of seconds and then turned around, disappearing behind a shelf.


Regina's been silent all the way home and you didn't say nothing as well, understanding that she needed some space and time to think.

When you got home you put the plastic bag you were holding on the kitchen counter and started to put away all the food that was in it. Regina started to do the same, but you stopped her.

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