Chapter 2

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I wake up in the back of a 67 Chevy Impala, God and is it a beauty.The two men I saw stab that thing are in the front seat the one with a crew cut driving the other asleep.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

He swerves the long haired one waking up as he does so.

"What the fuck man? "

The driver nods twards me while the passenger looks at me and calmly says:

"That was a demon."

"My mom?"

He looks down with solemn eyes.


"Look we don't know what they want with you but you need to know how to protect yourself. I'm Sam this is my brother Dean."

Dean glares at his brother.

"Where is they guy in a trench coat?"

"Right here, my name is Castiel, I am an angel of the Lord."

"Holy Shit!"

Dean looks back at me in the rear view mirror with a shocked expression.

"We are going to be at the bunker in about an hour."

With that he turns up the radio and Carry on My Wayward Son by Kansas is playing I start to sing along.

"I think I am going to like this girl Sammy."

We pull into town and stop at a diner. Cas left after his introduction so me, Sam, and Dean get out. Thank god I fell asleep in my clothes that night. We sit down and order, I get a soda and a bacon cheeseburger, Dean gets the same, Sam then orders a salad and a water.

"So guys I think I deserve more of an explanation."

"I agree but not now."

Dean looks up at me and asks:

"Whats your opinion on pie?"

"Love it"

"Favorite kind?"



"Ok enough."

Sam finally yells angry with our casual conversation. The waitress walks up hands us our food and leaves. I take one bite of my burger not realizing how hungry I truly was. I finished before Dean. Dean looks up in awe.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"Ummm..... about three days ago. Oh and guys I need to stop by a store before we leave. Does the bunker have a kitchen?"

"Ok sure and yeah..."

We finish and Dean leaves some cash on the table. Dean hands me a phone out of the glove box and simply says: "Our numbers are in there call us when you are done. Here you go pay with this and if anyone asks your name is Cassie."


With that I bound out of the car headed into the store. I run to the freezer section and grab two frozen pie shells. I grab some apples and some cinnamon, Karo syrup, pecans, and all the needs for pie. I grab ice cream and salad stuff for Sam. I then grab feminine products and pay. I step outside and call Dean.


"I'm done"

"Ok give me 5"

He hangs up and I sit on the bench outside waiting for the boys.

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