Chapter 12

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Damnit it's Crowley. I hurry outside to awnser his call.
"Dammit Crowley. What the hell? "
"Sorry pet but we still have some things you havn't settled for me. Fix the problem or i send the hounds."
"Not to far from moose and squirrel. In a forest in a small town..."
I cut him off.
"Really Crowley you have them in fucking Cloudcroft. How long do I have? "
"After you get there I will say an hour for ever demon so about a day. "
"And no help right? "
"if you must have it then so be it."
"Oh and Crowley one thing fuck you!"
I hang up and call the boys.
"Hey Cassie what's up?"
"put it on speaker i need to talk to both if you."
"Whats up?"
"A shit load of demons."
"Where? "
"How do you know?"
Sam interjects.
"Let's just call it spidey senses. Will you meet me there at the aspen hotel?"
"Yeah see you there."
Thank god they bought it. If they knew anything about my connection with Crowley i would be dead. I leave flying to a old car dealership. I walk around and ironically find my own 67 Chevy Impala.
"What can I get for you pretty lady?"
"How much for this beauty?"
"Wouldn't you like this nice car over here?"
"Yeah that won't work i want the impala. How much?"
"For a pretty lady like you i can lower the price."
"Ok that's enough look I'm with the FBI and I need that car."
I pull out my fake bag I was given and his face immediately changed.
"Take it i will go get the keys and of there is anything else I can go for the government let me know."
"Yes there is. How about a few bucks for gas?"
"No problem. "
He hands me the keys and I drive off in my new free car. I figure out quickly that i was in Texas on my way now to Nuevo Mexico. I pull into the hotel around midnight my eyes barley open but i pull out my phone and text Crowley. Time starts when i wake up deal.
Seconds later i get a reply : deal you are to much like squirrel.
Dean walk out his eyes widening when he sees what I am driving. I step out my legs a little shaky from the drive.
"Hey Cassie. "
"You go get some sleep just jump in Sam's bed but I warn you he's a cuddler. I'm gonna make sure that this beauty is in good enough condition to keep driving."
"Thanks Dean. "
I head inside the simple room and see Sam curled in a ball. I change into pajamas before slightly waking Sam.
"Hey Sam it's just me Dean said I have to share a bed with you scoot over some. "
Without speaking he complies waiting before i get under the covers before speaking.
"Cassie how did you know about the demons."
He looks at me with sleepy puppy eyes forcing me to give in.
"Crowley "
His eyes widen at his name now fully alert he sits up.
"Cassandra what did you do? "
"me nothing but my mom on the other hand. Ok she sold her soul i don't know why Crowley wouldn't tell me but he wants me to carry out the duty she didn't now that i have been trained."
"And that is?"
"Kill rouge demons."
"how many?"
"About twenty-four he said a demon for every hour i talked him into actually letting me sleep."
he gets up grabs his phone and heads outside. Dean barging in minutes later anger flaring in his eyes.
"What the fuck?"
"What exactly did Sam say?"
"All it took was that bastards name now talk."
"My mom sold her soul died before she could finish the task Crowley found out I was trained came after me to finish if not I'm puppy chow."
"I have until tomorrow."
Just then Crowley calls his all to familiar number on my screen.
"No hello well then I could just cut your time but really don't want you down here luv."
"What do you want?"
Before he responds i put him on speaker.
"Nothing much but there is alot more for you to do for me so I believe a contract is in order."
Dean nods letting me know it's ok.
I end the call.
"Ok Dean what's your plan? "
"Save your soul after we gang a few demons speaking of which. "
He pulls so u a phone and makes a phone call and i listen in.
"Hey Bo get your ass down to Cloudcroft, NM"
Who's Bo?
"Ok see you in the morning.
"What was that about Dean?"
"Just some backup. Where's Cas?"
"Texas i left while he was asleep."
"Ok we get some sleep and deal with this."
"Ok see you guys in the morning. "
I crawl into bed Sam not to far behind his massive body quickly welcoming sleep. As his breath tickles my ear he moves closer wrapping me into his warm arms. I guess Dean was right he is a cuddler. I don't mind I'm a cuddler as well.
Hey Cas i know I took off in you but you can't come after us not yet anyway. I promise I will explain. I love you I'm sorry. Sleep once again takes me into her ever loving arms. am now running my breath ragged. I fall my face hitting the black ground. i awake gasping for air. Dean, who is already awake, says: "Hey Cassie what's wrong? "
"Nothing just dreams."
"Yeah but around here dreams mean something we will finish this conversation later. Times ticking you need help with Sammy?"
" Nah I think I got this."
"Ok" He left the room headed to the bathroom. I go to turn over and surprisingly Sam let's me face him.
"Sammy time to wake up....Sammy."
He doesn't even budge.
"Samuel Winchester wake up. "
In response I get a mumble. As a last resort i lean in and kiss his lips. When I pull away he is looking at me with bright eyes.
"Well goodmorning to you to."
"Yeah yeah now we got to go the time's ticking."
We both put on clothes and head out of the door. Dean is on the phone, he hangs up and turns to us
"Hey Sammy, Bo will be here in a sec"
I stand there confused "who's Bo"
Sam shrugs "old hunting buddy"
Oh ok probably some old dude friends with Bobby. A old ford pick up pulls up.
Wow I wasn't expecting that. a girl with long brown hair and some shorts that can do probably use an inch or two more.
She walks up to the boys "hey guys"
And kisses them both on the mouth.
Well ok then, that's not what I imagined.
She looks at sam "did you gain some weight boy?" And pinches at his stomach"
Sam throws his arm over her shoulder "har har "
I see her smile and look at me "now who is this stunning girl"
Well here is my chance to introduce myself "Cassie, I'm an angel"
She holds out a hand, I take it "well I bet Cas has some fun with you"
"No and right now he's probably pissed."
"If that's how you want to put it."
"Cas what did i tell you."
"i know I wanted to make sure you safe especially after what happened. "
BO raises an eyebrow in question but I quickly shoot it down.
"I'm fine Cas now leave."
"If that is what you wish."
He leaves us leaving a awkward silence.
Dean glares at me knowing that this issue isn't finished.
"Ok Cassie where's the demons? "
"Empty feild they will get there in about an hour. Enough time for us to make a giant devils trap."
"Ok how big is this feild?"
"Let's just say we can make this trap with the impala and that's the only way."
Dean smiles knowing exactly what i am leaning at.
"Ok I'll lead us there. Dean mind if I ride with you?"
He nods not happy about Sam driving any impala. Dean then begrudgingly tosses me the keys.
"Scratch her and your dead. "
"I know. "
We get in and i crank her over and the radio blares. Dean surprisingly turns it off.
"Talk. "
"About? "
"Don't play stupid. "
"What do you want to know first? "
"Stay with Cas."
"After my transition at the hotel Cas and I left. We went to our Texas cottage and i asked if it was possible for part of my humanity to remain. He said yes and had a little looksie at my soul. When all was done he said something was different about me that we needed to talk to you guys. I went to leave and took a fall, nothing that big."
"You find out what he wanted to say? "
"You would if you had stayed."
"Cas I'm sorry but can you please tell me what the hell is up with me?"
"Your stronger than any angel i have ever seen and that can be used to your advantage. "
"What do you mean Cas?"
I am snapped out of our conversation with Cas when i hear Dean practically yelling at me.
"Earth to Cassandra!"
"Dean i know what's different. "
"What is it?"
"Well Cas said i was the strongest angel he has ever seen that i can do thing no other can."
"Like what?"
"i dknt know i was interrupted. "
"Cassandra you can do what most angels can but in a higher scale. You can smite alot of demons at one time even hold them in place without a trap."
"Thanks Cas meet us there."
"Was that Cas again?"
"Yes and i know what I can do."

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