Chapter 5

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" Cassandra I need you to spread your wings."

"Finally. "

My wings unfurl ready to go. They flap in excitement.

"Close your eyes and picture yourself flying."

I do as told .

"Where have you always wanted to go?'

"The London Eye. "

"Picture us flying there."

I feel wind on my face. It's cool but I keep my eyes closed.

"Open your eyes Cassandra."

When I open my eyes I find that I am actually flying. My hear skips a beat with the passion that i have newly found.

"Castiel this is beautiful. "

"We aren't that far shall we?" As he speaks his royal blue eyes transfer a feeling of love.

"I'll race you."

I the next thing I know is that i am dropping twards the eye. My faith is in my wings. As I fall some downy falls off catching one of my feathers I tuck it away saving for Sam as promised. I close my eyes the next thing I know is that i am standing next to Cas in the London eye. I walk to him and look up into his eyes.

"Cas... I'm tired."

"I know but I needed to see your strength."

"Cas I'm sleepy." I lean into him tucking away my wings.

"Come on let's go to the boys." He wraps me in his wings as i fall asleep in his arms.

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Once again I feel her body go slack in my arms. "Don't fret Cassandra I will always be here for you."

I fly back to the boys Cassandra in my arms. I study her face so innocent so untouched.

I lay her in Dean's bed at the bunker. I go to walk away but she calls me.

"Cas... please don't leave me."

"Cassandra may I call you Cassie?"


"Cassie I think i should tell the boys."

I go to stand

"Cas will you lay with me?"


I move closer and lay down in the bed. She curls against my body her breaths echoing in my ear. When I know she is asleep I sit up and look at her her short hair sweeping over her face. With a sudden urge I lean on and place my lips to her forehead.

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