Chapter 15

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I hear the impala pull up and footsteps running in my direction and with the security of the boys having her i leave for Hell.

I arrive the at the gates of fire to see millions upon hooks strung like meat at a butchers. In moments i see Crowley before me.

"Well well if it isn't our little hero."

"Shove it Crowley where is Bo?"

"Oh you know in Hell."


My voice hardens and Crowley knows a mean business leading me to her, leading me to the one person i know the boys would consider family, excluding Bobby. He leads me into a room and in the center i see Bo tied to a chair her eyes shut. I untie her using my mojo and i walk over to her.

"Now don't do that you wouldn't want to do something stupid would you?"

"Didn't say i wanted to do you dumbass."

"You are too much like them boys it will only hurt more."

"Fine what is it that you want for a trade?"

"Your soul as soon as it is just human again."

"Fine but you only get it when i die no ten years."

"Whatever pet as long as i get that beautiful soul of yours."

I fly out of hell Bo in my arms and I head to the impala where her corpse is laying, setting her soul back into her body, Cas at her side. Bo gasps air rushing into her lungs.

"Where the hell have you been Bo?" Dean asks.

"Exactly hell."

Dean stops the car looking back at me.

"What did you do?"

" Went to hell and saved Bo your welcome."


"What Cas?"


"You know exactly why she is my family ."

" We need to talk."

He flys off expecting me to follow.

"When Bo wakes up tell her I will explain everything."

i meet Cas his back facing me.

"What did you do?"

"Saved my family."

"No I mean Cassandra what did you do to get her out?"

"You don't want to know."

I look at the ground his eyes pouring into my back.

"I got her out that's all that matters."

I look back and see Cas taking off. I fly off even though i am weak beyond belief.


"Hey Cas i know you are mad at me for what i did but come on you have done the same for Dean."

"Yes i did but that was because i was told to by God my father."

"I did this out of love!"

"As did I!"

He never yells at me but he is now and all i can manage is to look down.

"Look Cassandra I'm sorry. What did you do to get her out?"

"You don't want to know."

"Tell me or i look for myself."

"Gave my soul to Crowley."

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