Chapter 10

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"What do you want?"

"A friend."

She stands before me in a white dress. Her red hair is like a fire surrounding the ocean to her eyes.

"Look Rebecca i know what happened to you."

"No you don't! They all say that!"

I keep my voice from wavering as i continue.

"You were murdered because your lover found you in the arms of another. You dissapeared from your quarters and was never seen again. It has been said that you were killed with an axe because you lover was a luberjack, you took revenge didn't you?"

"I loved him! I loved him! I just did what he did to me!"

The fireplace in the room roars to life.

"Cas I need to boys now tell them to be ready to fight a ghost I am in the lodge at Clodcroft,NM. The ghosts' name is Rebecca. Hurry she is pissed."

I hear a pounding on the door moments later Dean shouting at me.

"Cassie open the door let us in."

Rebecca comes closer to me and puts her icy hand on my throat choking me. I can hear Dean kicking the door but before he bursts it down i stare at the door opening it with the last bit of strength I have. I see Sam his sawed of shotgun pointed at Rebecca and Dean his pistol at ready, behind them i see Cas standing there his face filled with complete seriousness.


She tuns her attention back at the boys her hands still clasped around my throat. Sam then fires, Rebecca leaving i fall to the floor gasping for breath.

"What the hell did you do?"

"Told her the truth."


my voice raw i continue this conversation in their heads.

"i'll explain everything but first we need to leave she will be back and she will be wanting our heads. Cas i can take Dean if you get Sam, meet up at the cottage."

With this i fly off Dean by my side. I go to the cottage at a pace that is unknown to me. We land Dean stands while I fall to the ground blood running from my nose and getting lightheaded. Seconds later i see Cas hovering above me as he lifts me into his arms taking me into the cottage. Gently he lays me down on the bed.

"Cassandra..." I can hear the pain in his voice i know he is taking the blame for all of this. " You will be better soon i am going to heal you ok just try to relax."

He grabs my hand and once again heals me, his touch comforting me. I sit up in the bed when he finishes I pat beside me inviting the boys to sit down.

"Ok well Rebecca was caught sleeping with someone else by her lumberjack lover who then took her from her quarters and killing her with an axe, she then took revenge decapitating him with his own axe. All i did was tell her the facts and ask if she took revenge. But before all of this she drug me out of bed."

"Ok so any bones anything we can use for bitch-be -gone?"

"No bones were ever found all were vanished everything from her time was destroyed in the fire of 1909. The place wasn't rebuilt until 1911. The only thing that might be there is the blade of the axe the wood would have decayed at this point."

"You did any research?"

"Nope this is all stored upstairs it is a vacation spot, went there once with my mom."

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