Chapter 3

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"What do you mean Castiel? "
I asked before Dean could.
"You Cassandra are part angel and because of what happened with your mom it has awakened. That night you had passed out from shock it was from the sudden awaking of your grace. "
"Cas what is going to happen? "
"She will need to be watched and taught how to use it when she becomes a full angel."
"Cas?" I ask "Can we talk alone for a moment?"
"Of course. "
I go to the spare room just to find Cas standing there waiting for me to arrive.
"How can you tell?"
"I saw your grace when i was healing you."
"Have you been having some pains in your shoulders ever since this started?"
"Yeah actually it gets worse when you are near or when i am near a threat. "
" that is what i thought."
"What Cas? "
"Your wings want to be freed do you mind of i help them along?"
"No please do." My voice shakes as i say this, still trying to register what has happened to me.
"I need you to lay down face down. I'll be back"
He comes back with two belts one from Sam the other Dean.
"I explained what i am about to do to the boys that way they do not fret. "
"i need to tie you down."
Kinky, damn i can't think like this especially now that i am an angel in training. I nod allowing him to do what must be done.
"Cassandra you will want to bite this."
He places a rag into my mouth. I feel a burning sensation spread across my back. I scream and apparently it is loud enough for the boys to run in as they watch what Cas is doing. Once again the pain shoots up followed by relief and a mere seconds later i am panting from screaming. Tears trickle down my face moments later i can feel as if my shoulders have been through a hard workout. Sam and Dean untie me lifting me from my current position. Cas looks me in the eye then they look to either side of me where my wings would be. The boys leave knowing rest is all that can help now. Cas supports my weight as we zap to a lake one where i can finally see my wings full expansion. At least eight feet on either side of me I see wings that are black as coal with gold flakes. At that moment Cas spreads his wings wide. He folds them in allowing him to envelop me in his wings I take advantage if the moment and kiss him.
"Cassandra. .." his voice trails off, "not now a newly born angel has the hormones of a pregnant woman. I don't want this to be because of them."
"Cas," I say spreading my wings "i don't know who else i can go to with this. "
I fall to my knees exaustion taking over my body my wings drooping as well. Castiel lifts my limp body.
"Castiel. ..."
"Shhhh we're leaving."
With that i close my eyes knowing that I am safe in his arms.

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