Chapter 14

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I wake up to see the all familiar trench coat, Dean, and Sam their backs facing me. Gabriel looks over their shoulders smiling at me the boys immediately turn to face me.
"Whats the matter little bro don't like me touching your girl?"
"Shut the fuck up Gabe."
His expression changes with my silent remark.
"How long has it been?"
"A few hours."
"Let's go i feel fine."
"You said that earlier, what happened?"
"I'll talk when we head to Bobby's right now i want candy man over there to leave."
Gabe hold his hands up in defense his suckered still in hand.
"Whatever kiddo."
"Ok now that that is taken care of what happened? "
Dean's eyes search mine in a brotherly way as if he wants to know what boy broke my heart.
"The dreams."
I can see the pain in Sam's eyes as i speak, maybe something similar has happened to him?
"They started a while back the first one was just me walking in a black landscape.... damnit just let me show you guys."
I close my eyes and relay my dreams to them in a consistent play no gaps unlike when i drempt.
"Ok so i understand that dreams happen but why the wound was evident in reality or that they were reacuring picking up where the other ended."
"Yeah I might be a high ranking angel but i don't know either or what these danmed dreams mean."
"Ok calm down maybe we can do some research see if we find anything when we get to Bobby's. "
"Your not driving not after that spell."
"Fine but Sam can drive Duchess."
"Who's Dutchess?"
"The impala I'll go into detail later."
I swing into Baby waiting for Dean. When he gets in the radio plays Renagade by Styx and i pick up exactly with the song.
"Damn you know some good music."
"can't help it when your mom lves eighties music and it kinda rubs off on you."
"I bet." He throws his head back and laughs.
"Bobby is really going to like you. Is there anything else you want to tell me before we continue with the concert? "
" Yes i actually as if i am more human than ever of that makes sense."
"Yeah it does. "
Call Sam tell him that we are stopping for dinner. I pull out the phone and dial Sam's number.
"Hey there Sam we are gonna get some dinner for tonight."
"Ok see you there."
I hang up and look at Dean.
"Lead the way."
"Ok what do you want?"
"Honestly a burger doesn't sound bad but pizza is easier to eat while driving."
"Burgers it is i could use a stretch. "
"Doesn't surprise me you know i can drive for a while of you need to right?"
"Yeah yeah but this is my Baby not even Sam touches her."
"Ok ok i heard that this diner over here to the left isn't that bad."
He pulls in and says: "it better be good".
We get out Sam at Dean's flank.
"You guys go ahead i need to talk to Cas."
"Cas can we talk please... "
"What is it?"
"Is it possible for grace to burn out?"
"Not that i know if but you are no ordinary angel."
"Cas you wanna come in with me to get something to eat?"
"No but notify me when you are at Bobby's. "
"Ok and Cas one more thing, I love you. "
I run up and hug him. I pull away and say: "I'm scared. Nevermind I'll see you at Bobby's. "
I turn around and run inside the diner quickly finding the boys and composing myself. Dean looks at me and can tell something is wrong but he just looks at me and sits me down beside him.
"Already ordered for you."
Sam continues to stare at me and i just bow my head keeping silent unless spoken to.
"Cassie, " i hear Sam say "you need to tell us what's going on. "
" I don't even know myself. I'm afraid that my grace is burning up but I... we don't know if it's even possible."
"Cass. "
"Just don't we can talk later. Can we just go?"
"Sure "
I get onto Duchess deciding that avoiding Dean's death glares are better.
"Mind of i drive Sam it will help me think. "
"Go ahead just follow Dean. "
I grab the keys and i turn her over.
"Sam where are we headed exactly? "
"Siox Falls, Kansas."
i pull away not following Dean and I wait a few seconds before Sam speaks again.
"What are you doing? "
"Taking a quick route. "
I turn off the engine and tell Sam.
"Hang on"
With that i lift the car to Siox Falls, Kansas taking it to a parking lot.
"What the hell? "
"Yeah. Might as well bring Dean here too I'll be back."
I fly back to Dean the moonlight reflecting off of the gold on my wings. I see Baby flying down the highway and when i get inside Dean is on the verge of tears.
"Dean what's wrong?"
His eyes snap to mine and i notice that he has a buzz. I think of how the car needs to stop and it does.
"Nothing. "
"Do you want to go to Bobby's right now or do you want to drive?"
"Driving is the human thing to do. Where's Sam?"
"At Bobby's by now i left him in town. "
"Cassie what do you mean by your grace is burning out?"
"i think that every time I use my mojo the more human i become."
I then before Dean objects take Dean to the same spot i left Sam.
"What the fuck no warning?"
"if i gave one you would object."
I allow the car to turn over and Dean takes off.
"What happened back at the diner?"
"Fear overcame me ,my walls broke down and now the are built up again. I'm fine."
He pulls into what I'm assuming is Bobby's and i see cars of different years and models scattered about. A house in the near distance ,Duchess parked out front. We get out and see a older man talking to Sam looking up at the sound of doors closing. His stance changes when he sees me acting more protective. We walk up and the man's gaze doesn't leave my own. Sam introduces us: "Bobby this is Cassandra, she is a Nephlim. "
I hold out my hand in greeting and he accepts it shaking it hard.
"What did you idjits get into?"
"Believe me Bobby you don't want to know. "
He raises an eyebrow but as he goes to speak i invade his mind relaying what has happened ever since the boys first saved me. When all us done he simply says: "Balls".
"Cassie," Sam says "What did you show him?"
"Everything. "
"Ok well Bobby you are caught up to speed. What do we do about her grace?"
"I have no idea but i think i read something once. Give me a minute. "
The boys walk in and i follow.
"Hey Cassie Sam here follow me."
I do as told and he leads me to a room with a devils trap on the ceiling and a lonley cot in the center.
"Bobby wants to keep you here until he knows what's really going on one of us will come down occasionally to check on you."
"Ok Sam."
He leaves shutting the iron door.
"Cas I'm here at Bobby's. "
"I am aware. "
"Hey. Cas I'm sorry about all of this. "
"This is not your fault you were made this way."
"It's never my fault but I always put the blame on myself."
I sit on the bed letting everything crash upon me. Tears stream down my face and the door opens, i hear that it's Sam and I immediatly attempt to stop my tears.
"Hey I think you still owe me an.... Cassie what happened?"
"i'm letting go if you don't mind."
He walks closer to me placing his steady hand on my back patting it.
"It's ok."
I look at the door and I lock it keeping everything out, even Cas. I lean into him accepting his offer of comfort and staining his shirt with my tears.
"Sam I'm sorry."
"It's ok. "
"No its not because all you guys have done for me is care and i have kept myself hidden, shadowed in myself."
I show him exactly what i had said the night of Rebecca: "I have always looked at other people and compared them to myself and how i will never match up to them, how imperfect i really am. I have always hated myself, hell i even thought about sucide for a while Cas. I have never considered myself valuable, especialy when the only attention i got from a guy was to tease me, to use me.Cas i hated myself! People had put me down for the longest time Cas i starved myself for while, because of what they said to me. When you guys came along my world flipped I started to feel as if i was worth something for once."
"Sam you couln't have done anything you didn't know me then. None of you guys did."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I think im ok for now i mean i am just overloaded, waking up finding a demon in my house after he had killed my mother and then meeting you guys, finding out that i am an angel more like a half-assed one, almost getting killed a few times, and the most recentlyfinding out that all of my grace is on a timer."
"its ok i kinda know how it is."
I look at Sam wanting to know more but with out having to ask.
"When i was a few moths old a demon killed my mother then turning my dad into a physcopath following my mom's hunting experience rasing us into this life Dean was honestly more of a father than he was. Later in life we found put that the demon that had killed my mom was the same one that killed my college girlfriend also the one who had cursed me with his blood. I had powers that were activatable and you dont really want to know how either but i know what it is like to have so much resting on you when you feel like there isn nothing for you to do."
"Thanks Sam i know that what i feel is nothing compared to all of that but i just feel ike giving up."
"I know but we wont let you ok."
"Bobby is letting you out if you want to come up if you ever need someone to talk to though im never too far away."
"Thanks Sam, for everything."
"Don't mention it Cassie."
I trail Sam headed back upstairs as as soon as i enter all eyes are on me.
"What now?"
Dean speaks first " Nothing."
"Liar ,Bobby?"
"The truth is that your grace doen't have that much left. Angel boy over here did a scan of your grace and lets just say your battery os almost dead."
"How much longer Cas?"
"Maybe a few more things."
"Fine thats it no more flying at all no more angel mojo unless I have to use it."
Then i hear Bo's voice, her prayer to me.
" I need you Cassie i know that the boys already have so much on their hands but damn after what you did at that feild i know you can handle this, hurry."

I pinpoint her location and i take iff with no warning to any of them I find Bo lying on the groundher body bloody and torn to shreads. I pull out my phone calling Dean.
"Hey Dean.
"what the hell where did you go I thought you said no flying."
"Yeah sorry but it was Bo i found her."
"Where are you?"
"One town over it looks like hounds got her."
"Shit. be right there don't you dare leave her side."
I look for some way for me to save her i know how much she means to the boys.
"I am going to bring her back from Hell like Cas did for Dean."

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