Chapter 11

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I wake up and Cas is beside me his arm draped around me. I lay there enjoying the simplicity of the moment. I feel Cas stir and he begins to mumble my name. I turn over my face inches from his and i wait before once again he speaks.

"No leaver her alone. Get away from her!"

I lean in and kiss his lips his eyes opening the second my lips meet his.His blue eyes filled with panic as he looks me in the eyes bringing his hands to my cheeks.

"Cassandra your alright." As he speaks his voice wavers.

"Cas you were asleep what were you dreaming about?"

"Nothing i'm fine."

"Your lying. Do i need to go into that beautiful mind of yours?"

"No, The truth is Cassie i was loosing you. Demons were torturing you and i couldn't do anything about it i was trapped they had you suspended with chains cutting into you forcing me to watch as they continued. I couldn't keep you safe..."

I dig into his mind anyway wanting to see what happened, to comfort him in some way.

I am hanging unconscious by my wrists my wings outstretched, hooks in each one. Cas is then at my side.

"Cassandra this should have never happened to you." He goes to unhook my first wing and then a shadowed figure throws him to a wall he quickly recovers fueled by love and hate.

"You will pay for this."

I then awake seeing Cas fighting.


He turns before he raises a hand preparing to smite this demon that is until he is pushed back onto a ring of holy oil the demon then dropping his lighter trapping Cas.


I scream out his name again. I feel a knife being dragged across my skin carving a random design across my body.The demon then moved to my wings slowly burning then away. A knife is plunged into my ribs.i would scream but my throat is to raw to do any good if i screamed i would probably choke in my own blood. I black out upon my return i see a lake of blood on the floor.

"Cas its ok I'm right here and i am not hurt." I then see a bruise on my cheek reflecting in his eyes.

"Cas I'm fine it will be gone any day don't worry in the meantime i can cover it with make-up."


"No Cas your not healing me."

"But Cassa...."

I can't take it his arguing any longer and i close the gap that was between us my lips brushing his. He stops and pulls my body closer to his in one quick movement. I giggle into his lips a smile spreading across his. I pull away and kiss the tip of his nose before i say: "I love you Cas."

"i love you too."

I lean into his body my head resting on his arm. I drift into sleep his arms wrapped around me. I am awoke to the sounds of Cas screaming my name.

"Cas what's wrong? "

I look down to see my stomach covered in blood as well as the sheets. I get up and walk to the bathroom and yell at Cas: "Cas i need somethings from a store and i don't want you going out, I'm having Sam get them for me ok."

"Are you ok? "

"Yes Cas i am it's just my period."

He actually worries about me. I know the quickest way to Sam's mind is through his dreams so here i go.

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