Chapter 7

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Dean and I pull into the universitiy gates. I am officially on my first day of college.

"You need to play nice with Alpha Lambda Omega. All of the girls that have died have been from this sorority."

"Alright Dean. If i call you I need something either that or shit is hitting the fan, capishe?"


I barrel out of the car waving back at Dean. Rush week begins this week and I need to join Alpha Lambda Omega, better get busy.

I walk up to their booth and I there find a girl named Beth.

"Hi welcome to Alpha Lambda Omega would you like to join us?"

"Yes." I play it off.

"Ok meet us tomorrow at our house 8 pm."

"Ok see you there."

I smile and walk off with fake excitement. I pull out my phone and text Dean: meet me at the coffee shop near campus.

Minutes later i get a reply:


I walk to the coffee shop and I see a few watchful glares as i pass. I keep my mind sharp but calm. I open the door to the coffee shop and pick a booth at the back. As if on que Dean walks in. I wave him over.

"What do we got?"

"I don't know."

"Well what do you know?"

"I have a meeting tomorrow and I am walking in blind."


The waitress then walks up taking our order before leaving.

"Any ideas on what it could be?"

"No idea whatsoever."

"You got a plan? "

"Of course. Ok well for starters you two won't be right beside me i am going alone."

"Like hell you are..."

"Dean let me finish. I will pray to Cas if I need backup and if i need you and Sam i will call you."


"Dean it will work.... wait did you say that you agree with my plan?"


We drink our coffee and we leave.

"Dean wait up a second."

I walk to the alley a suspicion driving me nuts. I find nothing but some old trash and a few stray cats.


Dean climbs in the impala and turns her engine over.

"you coming or you gonna fly? "

"I think i will meet you there."

"Ok" He pulls off the engine echoing off of the pavement. I walk to the alleyway and to avoid the people as i go to fly away. Before my wings could fully emerge an arm wraps around me, one that i don't know.The free hand clasps over my mouth. I just wish I could reach my blade. The hooded figure pushes me against the wall trapping me one hand by my head their feet trapping mine. They bring their face closer to mine i can feel their hot breath in my face. I bite the attackers hand causing him to release.

"Let me go or you will regret it." I spat at my attacker.

"Never princess."

I try to search their face for something i can recognize. Nothing just blackness. Having no other choice i talk to Dean telepathically for help: Dean i need you now i am in the alley by the coffee shop. I hope that he will get here soon. I look back at my attacker his stance unchanging.

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