Chap 1: Separated

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Yanfei as always, reading the same old book from the bookshelf at the corner of the room. She was alone, all alone. She did have friends due to her always busy minding her own business. It was like the same procedure everyday. The class was noisy since it was Mathematics and no one was listening. There was an empty sit beside her but suddenly someone sat beside her. She did not care who was it. She was so engrossed in the book she could not care less about it. Few seconds later, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. The tap disrupted her which made her startled. She looked to her right slowly to see a girl with long dark brown hair fading to crimson at the tips.

To Yanfei, this girl had the brightest smile ever. She was confused why she was smiling this bright despite her doing absolutely nothing.

"Why are you always alone?" The girl said to Yanfei. Yanfei went back to reading and ignored what the girl said.

"Do you not have any friends?" the girl asked.

"..." Yanfei remained silent. It was true, she did not have any friends and she rather be alone doing her own things.

"Come on reply me!" The girl said as she went closer to Yanfei. Yanfei tried to distance herself by moving away from the girl but the girl kept on going nearer and nearer.

"If you don't have a friend I'll be the first one then. Hi I'm Hu tao, nice to meet you!"

Yanfei looked at the girl which apparently, the name is Hu tao. Yanfei stopped reading and looked to her left and acknowledged Hu tao.

"What's your name?" Hu tao asked as she put one the biggest smile once again.

"Yanfei" Hu tao took Yanfei hand and started shaking it aggressively.

"Nice name! Nice to meet you. Hope we can be best friends!!"

They were 9


Yanfei walked out of the toilet just to be scared by Hu tao for the 5th time again.


"Hu tao!!"

"Ehe, I'm sorry! You are always so quiet when we are together. But is fine though. You always listen to me when talk about my stuff and I'm happy about that!" Hu tao said that happily.

"What do you mean?"

"Hm? It just mean you are my besssttt friennnddd!" Hu tao said as she gave Yanfei a hug.

Yanfei returned the hug awkwardly by patting Hu Tao hands. They both walked to class as Hu tao talked all the way. Yanfei as always, enjoying Hu Tao rants.

Time Skip..

Hu tao looked for Yanfei everywhere. She was never in the canteen or in the classroom during recess. She's always in the library alone resting or reading.. once again. She rushed to the library to not see her there. She panicked slightly and ran out of the library to bump into someone. She fell down on her butt and she looked, it was Yanfei. Yanfei handed her hand to help Hu tao. Hu tao held her hand and pulled herself up.

"Where were you? I though you were always at the library?" Hu Tao said, still holding Yanfei hands.

"Ah, sorry. I went to get some fresh air and went to the toilet"

Hu tao held Yanfei hands tighter and bring Yanfei along with her.

"Where are we going?"

"To the canteen of course. I don't think you ate today. Make sure you are eating all of you meals okay!! Don't always read your books, talk to me too!"

"But I don't feel hungr-" Yanfei stomach made a sound. Hu Tao looked at her in disbelief. Yanfei let out a little chuckle and tried to make Hu tao let go of her but she failed anyways.

"Come on, come with me. Do you know Xiangling?" Hu Tao asked still holding Yanfei's hand tightly.

"The.. the girl with the short hair right?"

"Yep! Her dad is a stall owner in the canteen. He makes the best food. You should try it!!"

"What if I don't like it?"

"Trust me!!" Yanfei let out a small laugh seeing Hu Tao trying her hardest to get Yanfei to be with her more often. She found it funny.

They were 10.


Hu tao walked happily to school, feeling excited to meet Yanfei again after a short weekend which felt like months.

She tried to keep it lowkey and went to enter the classroom. She slided the door open to see no Yanfei around. She wondered too, why was she not there. Yanfei was never absent for school and she was never late to school. She was always one of the first pupils that will come to school. She would be reading a book alone at the corner of the classroom or resting her head on the table. What happened to her this time? She placed her bag down and went to ask Xiangling.

"Hey Xiangling, where is Yanfei?"

"Yanfei? Oh I haven't seen her today. Quite odd of her don't you think so?"

"I think so too.. Where could she be?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe you can wait for awhile more. Hope she will come soon!" Xiangling cheered. Hu Tao gave a smile but she was really doubtful and skeptical about this.

The bell rung and the teacher just entered the classroom. Everyone greeted as per-normal but today the teacher made an announcement which broke Hu Tao heart into pieces. The feelings she experienced at that moment, she could not put it in words how hurt she was.

"Hello class, I'm sad to announce this but a student that have been with us is now in a different school. Yanfei moved school due to his dad having a new job somewhere really far from here. Because of that, the whole family have to move house and Yanfei have to switch school. Sadly she does not have a phone so we won't be able to be in contact with her"

"What...." Hu Tao whispered under her breathe.

"She wishes everyone here the best of luck for future obstacle and she said she will miss this place and you all a lot"

"Yanfei....." Hu Tao said to herself.

They were 11 when they got separated.


A/N: HEY LOL. I got this idea when I was showering PLS. and yea this might be long????? idk. I swear the idea is amazing in my head but I can't seem to write it out nicely like how I imagine it in my head ykwim.... BUT YEA THATS CHAPTER 1. HOPE U LIKE IT LOL THIS IS SO SHITTY  HELP. but yea... 😟

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