Chap 7: Bed

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Hu Tao entered the house and was welcomed by a ginger cat.

"A Cat? I didn't know you have one?" Hu Tao said as she walked to the cat and pat it.

"Uhm yea. I got it since i'm always alone studying so I got a cat to keep me company" Yanfei explained as she stood beside Hu Tao. After that they went to bring their stuff to their room. Hu Tao was following Yanfei without having a clue where she was going to sleep for this whole break. Hu Tao tried to ask but did not want to seem rude so she just kept quiet.

"You're gonna sleep in my room" Yanfei said as they both entered the room. It was not the biggest room in the house but Hu Tao noticed something.

ONE BED????? Hu Tao exclaimed to herself. Why was she worried about this 'small matter'. Was it because they are already grown ups or was it because of something else.

"Uh Yanfe-"

"I know. I'm sleeping on the floor. Don't get any weird ideas" Yanfei said as the tip of her ears got red. What am I thinking, why did I say that ughh, Yanfei thought to herself as she bite her inner lip. The atmosphere became awkward. No one was exchanging words to each other. Both started unpacking their bags. It was already 7pm and Yanfei mother was preparing dinner. After both of them finished unpacking they both sat down. Yanfei was sitting on the floor while Hu Tao was sitting on the bed. They caught each other looking at each other which led to both of them getting flustered.

"Uh we should go downstairs is almost dinner" Yanfei said as she stood up from the floor. Hu Tao nodded and both of them went to the dinner table.

"Hello ladies go set up the table for me real quick. Dinner is coming very soon" Yanfei mother ordered them to. Yanfei and Hu Tao started setting up the dinner.


It was after dinner. Hu Tao and Yanfei was in the living doing nothing, kinda. They were watching the TV. It was awkward..? Nothing happened between both of them yet it felt so weird. Hu Tao finally collected enough courage and tried to start a conversation with Yanfei.

"Yanfei, do you want to watch a movie?" Hu Tao suggested as she took the remote control from the coffee table.

"I don't know. What time is it now anyway?" Yanfei asked as she looked at Hu Tao. Hu Tao took her phone and checked the time. It was still 11pm. Yanfei parents was probably asleep that time. They looked at each other and chuckled. Yanfei went closer to Hu Tao and slowly leaned to her. Hu Tao got flustered a little there. Her ears felt warm.

"Uh Yanfei why are yo-"

"I'm sorry. Can I stay like this for awhile?" Yanfei interupted Hu Tao. Hu Tao took a few seconds to process what she just said and nodded. Hu Tao started to look for movies to watch. After awhile they found a movie and they both watched the movie silently in peace.

"Haha Yanfei look at what they just di-" Hu Tao stopped when she heard soft snores from beside her. Yanfei was already asleep. The movie was still ongoing so she tried her best to not make any noise while watching the movie so Yanfei could sleep peacefully.

The movie finally ended and it was 1am. In between the movies Yanfei mother would get out of the bedroom to check on them. Hu Tao checked to see if Yanfei was still sleeping and she was. Ain't no way i'm carrying her, im not strong enough Hu Tao thought to herself. She tapped on Yanfei shoulder lightly. After a few taps she finally woke up.

"Huh... oh, i fell asleep, ehe. I'm sorry" Yanfei said half asleep as she rubbed her eyes.

"You don't have to apologise, you were really tired anyway so" Hu Tao reassured Yanfei.

"Let's go to sleep now". Hu Tao stood up from the sofa and walked up the stairs to Yanfei's room. Yanfei followed her behind. They reached the bedroom and Hu Tao was going to sleep on Yanfei's bed whereas Yanfei was going to sleep on the floor. It had a thick mattress so it was comfortable for Yanfei atleast.

Hu Tao closed the lights and went straight to bed. Within minutes, Hu Tao was already sleeping soundly. Yanfei on the other hand was still awake. She somehow, could not sleep? She just stared at the wall blankly and prayed hopefully somehow she falls asleep.

Uh oh, Hu Tao is nearing the edge, Yanfei thought to herself as she stares at Hu Tao intensely with wide eyes. A few minutes later, Hu Tao shifted again and that's when Hu Tao fell down on top of Yanfei.


Yanfei looked down at the at the girl on top of her and took her second to internally realise what just happened.





let's say, she was gay panicking. She covered her face from embarrassment and her ears were heating up. They were some how in a hugging position where Hu Tao hands were coincidentally wrapped around Yanfei body.

Yanfei looked down silently and shifted Hu Tao so now she was beside her instead of on top of her. She played with Hu Tao hair slightly and lightly to make sure she does not wake up.

she sure is one heavy sleeper ehe, Yanfei slightly chuckled.

"Goodnight Hu Tao, sleep well and rest well!" Yanfei said quietly as she position herself to sleep whereas she's not facing Hu Tao.


A/N: and no hu tao was not secretly awake. LMAOOOO OKAY BYE. short SORRY. but tmr i'll update again cuz the chap is already in my draft and ready to be uploaded :DD

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