Chap 13: i like...

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It was finally the day of the party. Everyone was getting ready. The dress code was not something too fancy. Hu Tao already wrapped her gift for Yanfei. She loved the way in turned out. With the light pink wrapping that suits Yanfei herself so well. Before this day she did got herself a few advice in order to confess her undying love to Yanfei.


"So this is how you are going to do" Xiangling said as she got closer to Hu Tao. Xingqiu and Chongyun was at the side listening too.

"Lucky you this year there will be fireworks. You know what that means?" Xiangling said as she wiggled her eyebrows in a teasing way. Both of the males started chuckling.

"Watch the fireworks together. Make it romantic, like in shows. Then, when she's not looking start confessing," Xiangling sighed before continuing, "Your undying love for Yanfei or whatever. Gosh saying that felt so gross"

Hu tao slightly pouted as heat started the spread on her cheeks to her ears, making her ears looking awfully red.

"Stop being a dummy. Man up and confess you idiot. I've been friends with you for such a long time and hearing you talk about Yanfei all day long when she's not here makes me want to scream," Xingqiu said jokingly making Hu Tao even more flustered.

"And also what did you get for her?" Chongyun asked.

"I want her to be the first one to know about it"

"Gosh HU TAOO!!" all three of them exclaimed at Hu Tao. Hu Tao being a lovesick idiot were making the rest sick.


Hu Tao went to the campus and saw Xiangling along with some other schoolmate. Xiangling soon noticed her and walked towards her.

"So, are you ready?" Xiangling said in a teasing way. Hu Tao chuckled slightly and nodded. Today was the day she will finally man up and confess.

A few minutes into the party and she finally saw Yanfei walking in looking all anxious and nervous. Hu Tao quickly ignored those factors and admired Yanfei. Even from a distant, she could see how gorgeous she looks. Hu Tao walked to Yanfei and gave her a small wave.

"Hey, i thought you won't be coming." Hu Tao said as she stood before Yanfei.

"I did not want to make you upset. Not in a bad way of course! Not because i pitied you or anything if you get what i meant! I just uh, like, wanted to try out this party thing? It won't hurt spending time with y—" Hu Tao placed a finger on Yanfei's lip.

"I get what you meant don't worry. Thank you." Hu Tao said reassuringly. She knew that if Xiangling, Chongyun and Xingqiu were here they would tease the shit out of her. But who cares. It's Yanfei.

They talked for awhile, drank here and there(not alcohol though).

It was almost time for the highlight of the way; the fireworks.

"Yanfei," Yanfei turned her head to Hu Tao and attentively listened to what she had to say. Oh god that made Hu Tao flustered as fuck.

"H-How 'bout we go to the roof and watch the fireworks?" Hu Tao asked, eyeing on something else that was not Yanfei to make sure she does not go feral.

"Okay, let's go" Yanfei said as she walked ahead first. Hu Tao walked behind her, feeling more nervous than how she expected to feel when the moment was about to come. When they arrived at the roof top, there were already people there anticipating for the fireworks.

Both of them found themselves a spot near the edge of the building. They rested their arms on the balcony like edge as they look up at the sky to wait for the first firework to launch.

Hu Tao thought that maybe this was the perfect opportunity for her to give the gift. She took it from her pocket and slowly showed it to Yanfei. Yanfei noticed and looked at the not so well done wrapped gift.

"Huh what is it?" Yanfei asked in a confused way as she looked back and forward to the gift and Hu Tao eyes.

"It's a gift for you, since, it's Christmas. Yanfei eyes lighted up. Yanfei slowly took the gift from Hu Tao hands and started unwrapping it.

"it's really nothing, really. I just thought that it would be appropriate if i give a gift during this time of the year" Hu Tao started blabbering but Yanfei sort of did not focus on that too much. She unwrapped it and saw a velvet box.

She opened the box and there it reveals a hair pin that looked familiar; right, it was the hair pin she was eyeing on.

"Hu Tao!" Yanfei said enthusiastically.

"How did you know i wanted this?" Yanfei asked as she admired the hair pin.

"Well, i saw you looking at it. I thought that probably you wanted it" Hu Tao said as she scratched the back of her neck.

"Here, let me put it on for you," Hu Tao said. Yanfei nodded and gave the hair pin to Hu Tao. She carefully put the clip in Yanfei's hair. Wow she was lovestruck. Yanfei looked extra gorgeous with the fancy clip. Yanfei started to blush slightly because of how close they were at the moment. Suddenly the fireworks started launching.

"Look!" Yanfei said enthusiastically as she looked up at the sky coloured with beautiful fireworks.

"Yea, is pretty," Hu Tao said not even giving a single glance at the fireworks and just admiring Yanfei. She did not care if Yanfei could sense or see that Hu Tao was starring at her in awe. Hu Tao then slowly bring her hand to Yanfei cheeks and started caressing it. She started twirling Yanfei's fringe. Yanfei looked at Hu Tao with wide eyes. Thank god it wasn't obvious because she was red as hell.


"Yanfei," Hu Tao interrupted Yanfei.


"I like-"

"HEYY HU TAO THERE YOU ARE!" suddenly, someone from afar shouted Hu Taos name. It interrupted Hu Tao. It was Xiangling. Hais. I can never get anything, Hu Tao thought. Xingqiu elbowed xiangling and whispered something to her ear. Xiangling quickly realised and apologised before leaving. Hu Tao was dumbfounded. Really? My moment was ruined! , Hu Tao thought to herself.

"Hu Tao, what were you going to say again?" Yanfei asked, already missing the warmth from Hu Tao's palm.

"Oh i was going to say that i like the hairpin hehe," Hu Tao end up not saying what she wanted to say.

"oh of course. I love it too! I can't thank you enough for even giving a thought about buying it for me!" Yanfei said. Yanfei continued watching the fireworks and Hu Tao remained silent the whole entire time.


A/N: hi bffs 😍😍😍😍. cliffhanger yasss. ig y'all gotta wait till like idk how many weeks till i update this 🫰🏻🫰🏻☺️ LMAOAOAOAOA. and also IS ANYONE SEEING SEVENTEEN AAAA. I HOPE I GET THE CONCERT TICKETSSSS!! wish me luck pls omg 😢😢😢.

and also, i changed it from a watch to a hair pin cuz like idk hair pins seems cuter. okay bye

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