Chap 8: Waking Up

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It was the next day. The sun was already out. The house was still very quiet. It was a saturday. Yanfei parents were having a break.

Both Yanfei and Hu Tao woke up at around 11 am. Let's say, this was both of their favourite way of waking up.

Hu Tao was hugging onto Yanfei, same goes to Yanfei. They were really close. Their nose were touching, one slight move their lips might have met. Yanfei was the first among does two to wake up. She sleepily opened her eyes. She blinked a few times before she realise what position she was in. What... HUH???? she panicked slightly in her head. Her heart started to beat faster and her stomach had a fuzzy and weird feeling. what am i feeling right now? Why do i feel so nice and fuzzy and... she blushes to herself while thinking of all the possible emotions she could be feeling at that moment. love? She shook her heard and went to sit up slowly making sure she did not wake Hu Tao up.

Her sitting up means that Hu Tao had to 'let go' of Yanfei from their hugging position. Therefore, Yanfei woke Hu Tao up by accident.

Hu Tao groaned and slowly opened her eyes as the sunlight slipping through the curtains made her eyes squint. She rubbed her eyes and looked at her surroundings to realise she was on Yanfei's bed. huh? What am i doing here? How did i end up here? Don't tell me... Yanfei noticed Hu Tao being awake so she looked at Hu Tao and greeted her good morning.

"Good Morning Hu Tao. Did you sleep well?" Yanfei asked as she moved back slightly. She scanned Hu Tao face and noticed the expression Hu Tao had. ah, she's probably wondering how she ended up down here. Yanfei cleared her throat before she spoke again.

"Ah yes if you're wondering, you fell down while sleeping and you fell on me.. but! don't worry it didn't bother me that much" Yanfei reassured Hu Tao as she gave Hu Tao a warm smile. Hu Tao was still very confuse with everything. okay so i fell in Yanfei and then what happened then? she tried to think everything back. She tried to remember what position did she woke up in. WAIT.. I HUGGED HER?? WAIT NO CUDDLED WITH HER?? IS SHE OKAY WITH IT??

Yanfei looked at Hu Tao confused. Yanfei thought maybe Hu Tao had a lot of thoughts in her head.

"Uhm... Hu Tao? You good there?" Yanfei asked as she waved her hand infront of Hu Tao. Hu Tao paid attention back to Yanfei.

"Y-Yanfei.. You didn't mind me hugging or you know.. cuddling you right?" Hu Tao asked sheepishly as she glanced at Yanfei for a few seconds before she looked back at her own hands. She was fiddling with her fingers.

"Hmm, not at all. I liked it ehe" Yanfei said sort of cheerfully. She did not want Hu Tao to think she made her uncomfortable. She actually really liked the hug or just them cuddling. Actually i wish we can do that for often. I felt so safe and comforting around you, Yanfei thought to herself. She was obviously not bold enough to say that out loud. Things might get awkward. Even this made things slightly awkward. Both hesitated to speak to each other about it and both were just really quiet when they just woke up. They just stared into air and did nothing. They did enjoyed each other presence though. They loved being by each other side.

"Well uhm... today seems pretty boring. Wanna go to the beach? Todays weather seems nice" Yanfei suggested as she looked at Hu Tao.

"Sure i would love to" Hu Tao said cheerfully and gave Yanfei a warm smile. Both of them got out of bed and went to do the necessary.

They head downstairs to the kitchen to see Yanfei's mother already there making food.

"Hello girls did you guys get a good sleep?" She asked as she cooked breakfast. Both of them nodded.

"Hu Tao what do you want to eat?" Yanfei asked as she walked to the fridge.

"I'm fine with any but eggs would be nice, i'm not so hungry anyway" Hu Tao said as she sat on the stool. Yanfei gave a thumbs up and started to make food for both of them. Yanfei's mother was watching TV whereas Hu Tao and Yanfei were just talking to each other. When Yanfei was done cooking, she served it to Hu Tao and both of them started to eat their breakfast. It was a relaxing morning for all of them.


Yanfei told her parents that Hu Tao and she will be heading to the beach. Yanfei's parent allowed them and both of them got ready for beach day!


They reached the place and it was 3pm. The sun was really bright and it was really hot there. But thankfully they had and huge umbrella above them to cover them from the sunlight. They weren't wearing some bathing suit or anything they just wore short pants and a t-shirt. They had extra clothes in their bags just in case they end up getting wet by the water or just from sweating. They chatted and looked at children making sand castle here and there. The view was very beautiful. It was 4pm and they decided to walk a bit here and there. They walked beside each other. Their arms were basically against each other majority of the time.

Oh i want to hold your hands so bad, Yanfei thought to herself as she looked at Hu Tao hands. Hu Tao was just rambling about literally anything. That was something Yanfei really liked about Hu Tao. To her, she just looks, adorable.

Hu Tao noticed that the sun was about the set and her eyes sparkled as she looked at the beautiful horizon.



"Let's watch the sunset together! The sun is about to set right now!" Hu Tao said cheerfully as she grabbed Yanfei hands and pulled her.

"Okay Hu Tao dear" Yanfei said but the dear was more of a whisper.


A/N: OKAY uhm i have nothing to say here but YEA. i love you guys sm i swear
:(( thanks for all the support. i'll make sure this ff will be a good ff and something u enjoy reading EHEHE OKAY BYEEE

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