Chap 11: i'll think about it

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Summer break ended and all of them went back to school. It was already a few months into school and finals are coming. The library became a place everyone frequently go to for studying. But as for Hu Tao and Yanfei, they studied in their own dorm. Their relationship was just getting more confusing. Hu Tao was frustrated, she wanted to know so bad what Yanfei meant that time. There were multiple occasions where she almost blurted the questions out but she was afraid that doing it might make Yanfei uncomfortable.


Hu Tao went out of her dorm. She wanted to buy a drink or two from the vending machine. When she walked out of the room, she saw Yanfei walking out too. She ran up to Yanfei and gave her a back hug. Yanfei startled but knowing Hu Tao, she was the only one who would give these type of hugs out of the sudden.

"Hi Hu Tao what's up" Yanfei asked as she glanced back slightly to see Hu Tao. Hu Tao gave a small smile before letting go of Yanfei.

"Mhmm nothing much. Was planning on buying a drink or two. What about you? Have you been studying. Finals are coming and i'm scared" Hu Tao said as she carressed her own hands. She was afraid of failing. She wasn't the smartest the person in the class. She was thankful that there were people like Yanfei that were willing to help her.

"Don't worry Hu Tao. I know you can do it. I believe in you" Yanfei reassured Hu Tao. The fuzzy feeling started to build up in Hu Tao and possibly in Yanfei too.

They had common feelings and the feelings was.. love. The little hope in Hu Tao from that sudden 'confession' Yanfei did, grew even more everytime they talked. It was like how it all started. Hu Tao and her mind filled with just Yanfei. All she was thinking about those days were Yanfei. She wanted a genuine answer to her question. What did she really meant by that. She wanted Yanfei to say all those words all over again.

Whereas for Yanfei, she doubted Hu Tao feelings. From Hu Tao reaction, she thought maybe the girl she had fallen for lost feelings for her. She was madly in love with Hu Tao but to her, that love might be one sided- when it was not. She decided to make her feelings clear to Hu Tao after the finals. Deciding on how and when to do it was another struggle.

It was just a matter of time.


Finals just ended and many things were happening.

"AAAHHH YANFEI, I THINK I MESSED UP AT ONE OF THE QUESTIONS" Hu Tao cried as she slide down the wall dramatically at the corner of the room.

"Uh Hu Tao, is fine. I know you did well!" Yanfei said as she hugged Hu Tao slightly but then Hu Tao went to hug Yanfei so tightly as if it was her last. It startled Yanfei but she just went along with it.

"Get a room geez" Xingqiu said as he packed his stuff. Chonyun chuckled slightly. Everyone was happy that exam ended. They all felt slightly relieved.

Since it was almost the end of the year, every year there would be some sort of end of year party. It was something every student always looked forward for every year. Since Hu Tao and Yanfei was still on the first year, this party will be their first. Hu Tao and Yanfei went to wave goodbye to Xingqiu and Chongyun before leaving the classroom.

"Hey Yanfei, you know about the end of year party thing right?" Yanfei nodded in response. They were both walking to the dorm building.

"Well then, are you planning on going?" Hu Tao asked as she glanced over to Yanfei. Yanfei never went to parties before since it wasn't her thing. Agreeing to this might be her first party to ever attend.

"I'm not sure. I have never been to party before so.." Yanfei said. To everyone it was probably weird for someone that's 17-18 years old and have never been to a single party.

"Then make this your first one!" Hu Tao said excitedly. Why did Hu Tao want Yanfei to go so bad.

"I don't know.."

"Is like a Christmas party. This year i heard from the student council is that there will be fireworks. Is going to be fun, trust me" Hu Tao said. She sounded as if she was really begging Yanfei to come to the party. Seeing Hu Tao liked that made Yanfei sighed from defeat.

"Fine.." Yanfei said lowering her head.

"yay!" Hu Tao exclaimed loudly a little.


Everyone was preparing for the end of year party. Everyone was deciding on what to do for the class and what to gift for one and another. Hu Tao did not seem to think about all these through. Giving a gift? Hu Tao had no idea what to give or any some sort. One thing for sure definitely she wanted to give Yanfei something. What would she like? Hu Tao thought to herself as she walked down the corridors to her classroom.

"Hey Hu Tao! Xiangling called from behind. Hu Tao turned around and gave a small wave to Xiangling. Xiangling caught up to Hu Tao and they walked together to a common class they had, english.

"Hey Hu Tao, you know about the end year or party thing right?" Hu Tao nodded.

"Why not you ask Yanfei out on that da-" Xiangling got interrupted by Hu Tao. Hu Tao cupped Xiangling mouth as she could before she said anything else. Xiangling could obviously tell Hu Tao was really flustered by it. Hu Tao was turning redder and redder.

"First of all, how did you know? Second of all, i'm too scared to do that!" Hu Tao said in a shouting whisper manner. Xiangling removed Hu Tao hands from her hands and chuckled slightly before speaking again.

"It was obvious. Which person smiles so hard and blushes when seeing just a 'friend'. Did something happend between you anyway. The way you acted after the summer break was way different from when we were about to start the holiday" Hu Tao startled slightly from how much Xiangling read through her. Was she really that obvious? Now to her, that was embarrassing.


A/N: HEYYY. AAA im so excited to write the next 1-2 chaps. Might be my favourite part of the story? I hope it might be ur favs too ehe. BUT YAYYY. i am SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. i'm so busy these days i'm gonna cry. anyway tell me abt ur day? eheheh. missed y'all sm. i might update once a month now...... maybe idk URGHAJAJS.

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