Chap 10: i like you

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It was the next day. Nothing happened what so ever. Today was more of a chill day. Yanfei ended up waking up first. Yanfei went to brush her teeth before going downstairs to make breakfast. She decided to make breakfast for Hu Tao as well today. She just felt weird that day. The mood was weird. Well then this weird mood was benefiting Hu Tao- since she had breakfast prepared for her.

Yanfei prepared pancakes since that was the easiest thing to do at that time. After she was done, she went upstairs to see Hu Tao still on her bed sleeping. She hesitated to go wake her up since she did not want to disturb Hu Tao sleeping.

After a few minutes, Hu Tao ended up waking up herself. She head downstairs to see the pancakes ready on the table. She sort guessed it was probably Yanfei doings so she ignored the food. She turned around to head back to their bedroom and then she saw Yanfei there standing smiling. Yanfei was actually about to approach Hu Tao.

"Oh good morning Yanfei" Hu Tao said. Yanfei did not say anything but instead just smiled to Hu Tao.

"Uhm who's food is this?" Hu Tao asked as she pointed to the pancakes. She got closer to the table and looked at the not eaten pancakes yet.

"Is yours!!!" Yanfei said as she whined a little. Hu Tao startled and gave a thumbs up to Yanfei.

"You were sleeping nicely just now so i did not want to wake you up" Yanfei said sheepishly as she sat beside Hu Tao- Hu Tao started eating.

"Is fine Yanfei you can just wake me up anytime" Hu Tao reassure Yanfei. Yanfei gave a soft smile to Hu Tao before she left Hu Tao alone with her pancakes.


"Yanfei!" Yanfei mother called her from the kitchen.

"Yes what is it?" Yanfei said as she walked towards her mother.

"I'm so sorry dear but i need you to buy something for me in the grocery store for dinner. Can you help me buy it?" Yanfei mother asked her. Her mother then explained what was needed and Yanfei went to get dressed to leave the house.

"Yanfei where are you going?" Hu Tao asked as she saw Yanfei getting her stuff.

"Oh i have to go to the grocery store to buy something for my mother" Yanfei explained. Hu Tao eyes sparkled and she stood up from the bed.

"Can i go with you?" Hu Tao asked.

"What for? Is just the grocery store" Yanfei asked, slightly narrowing her eyebrows.

"No i just want to be with you" Hu Tao said straightforwardly. Yanfei heart skipped a beat slightly. She looked away slightly trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh okay then sure" Yanfei said, still not really looking at Hu Tao. Hu Tao cheered and went to get ready.


They were walking back home from the grocery store. No one talked. Hu Tao was walking ahead while she ranted about her stuff and of course Yanfei listened quietly. She enjoyed being around Hu Tao. It felt so nice and comforting. It felt like home. A place Yanfei always wants to go to. Hu Tao being the person Yanfei always wants to go to.

Yanfei was holding all the groceries bags. No matter how many times Hu Tao told Yanfei she could help, Yanfei declined her offer.

"You're so annoying Yanfei" Hu Tao suddenly blurted out.


"Why are you not allowing me to carry it too?" Hu Tao interrupted. Hu Tao walked to Yanfei and took the groceries bags from her hands.

Yanfei eyes widened slightly. Hu Tao was so close to her. She slightly gay panicked there.

"So stubborn geez" Hu Tao whispered out slightly. Yanfei obviously heard it, she was still so close to Hu Tao. Both of them continued walking and Hu Tao was still ahead of Yanfei.

"You should learn how to depend on someone, you can't always do stuff yourself you know?" Hu Tao said. Yanfei remained silent. It was true though. She always overworked herself sometimes she forgot there are people like Hu Tao that are willing to help. But something else caught her attention. It was how fast her heart was beating. Why was her face getting hotter and hotter? Why was she always thinking about Hu Tao all the time. Why would she get flustered over the smallest things? RIght.. love. That was what making her feel that way.

Ugh I can't hold it in anymore.

"Yanfei you goo-"

"Hu Tao, I like you. I really do. I can't hold in these feelings anymore" Yanfei blurted out. Hu Tao paused. She glanced to her back to see Yanfei flustered as ever. It was probably Hu Tao first time seeing Yanfei that red. Hu Tao was speechless. She did not know how to reply. Was this what Yanfei felt when Hu Tao confessed her feelings to her? Despite Hu Tao always telling herself that she had 'moved on', there was still this small little hope in her that one day Yanfei will fall for her too. That day in the end came. She felt happy. But..

"Why are you so quiet? Actually nevermind forget what I said" Yanfei said hesitantly before walking away. Hu Tao was still at the same spot trying swollow this big information she just obtained.

Yanfei? Likes me? In what way?

Hu Tao thought to herself. She remained silent as she caught up with Yanfei. Hu Tao was walking behind Yanfei. She wanted to ask what Yanfei meant there but she barely had any courage to do so. She was just looking down the floor as she walked back home.

When she arrived back home with Yanfei, it felt weird. Somehow Yanfei still managed to have a normal conversation with Hu Tao. Yanfei acted as if she did said nothing to Hu Tao just now. Hu Tao thought perhaps she just misheard what Yanfei said just now- but it was all wrong. Yanfei did meant what she said.



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