Chap 4: Love

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Yanfei stayed awake in the end. The aura of the room was just radiating awkwardness. Both stared at the floor blankly without saying anything. But either way, Yanfei went to strike up a topic.

"So uh Hu Tao"

"Yes what is it Yanfei?"

"Why did you take law in the first place" Yanfei asked. As she gets closer to Hu Tao.

"Uh.. honestly is a lot to... like where do I even begin?" Hu Tao said slightly chuckling towards the end. Yanfei eyes soften as she looked at Hu Tao.

"If it's personal you don't have to talk about it you know" Yanfei said as she patted Hu Tao hands.

"Is fine I trust you anyway ehe" Hu Tao got comfortable on the floor while leaning on the side of the bed as she recall everything back.

"I was neglected a lot as a child. My parents, my friends used to call me weird for being who I am sadly. I was alone majority of the time. My parents did not really care a single bit about me. I took law because they wanted a child that took law. I decided to be one so they can atleast give attention for once.." once she was done, she gave Yanfei a nervous look. She glanced to Yanfei who was there looking at the floor. Hu Tao wasn't sure what Yanfei was thinking at that moment. There was so much going on on her mind right now probably. Hu Tao waved her hand infront of Yanfei face to get Yanfei's attention back.

"Yo, you there?" Hu Tao said. Yanfei flinched and looked at Hu Tao with a soft expression. Yanfei got out of bed and went to sit beside Hu Tao.

"I'm so sorry, you, had to go through that" Yanfei said as she intertwined her fingers with Hu Tao's.

"But don't worry, I will by your side everytime you need me!" Yanfei said as she pulled Hu Tao's hands closer to her, causing Hu Tao to face Yanfei. A soft light red blush became to form on Hu Tao cheeks. But Hu Tao managed to control herself there.

"Ah.. yes thank you. Same goes to you too" Hu Tao said as she chuckled nervously.

"You know you can let go of me right?" Hu Tao said as she glanced at Yanfei's hands that was intertwined with hers.

"Ah yes sorry" Yanfei said as she slowly let go of Hu Tao's hand. Everything went silent again. But they liked each other presence, it was..nice?

"Well I'm going to take my leave Yanfei. See you once you tomorrow. If you need help you can just call me ehe..." Hu Tao said nervously as she scratched the back of her neck. Yanfei nodded and waved her goodbye as she went back to her bed to rest up for awhile more.

Hu Tao was walking through the hallway thinking about everything that just happened. Thinking about it made her flustered. Yanfei was the first person Hu Tao ever opened up. Although it was awhile since they met, the trust between them from a long time ago was still there and that was what Hu Tao love about their relationship.


Yanfei did not come again. Hu Tao thought maybe Yanfei was still sick. Since that day wasn't a long of school, she managed to go to Yanfei dorm. She knocked a few times and no one answered the door. The placed her ears against the door and there was no sound coming from inside. She thought maybe Yanfei was not in her dorm at the moment. She sighed to herself and walked away.

She went to the nearest park to get some fresh air. Although it has only been a few days since school started but the atmosphere was really competitive and stressful which was something Hu Tao did not like at all. All these school work were just giving so much burden to Hu Tao shoulders.

Hu Tao climbed up the stairs slowly as she looked at the view of the town she was living. It was nice, not so hot not so cold. She climbed a few more step and looked in front to see Yanfei there standing alone with her jacket and hands inside the pocket, looking at the scenery.

"Yanfei!" Hu Tao called out from afar. Yanfei startled and looked at Hu Tao. She smiled and gave a small wave to Hu Tao.

"Hi Hu Tao. Were you looking for me there?" Yanfei asked. Hu Tao nodded and went to stand beside Yanfei. They both looked at the scenery together. There was no communication or what so, just them together appreciating each other presence.

Hu Tao was feeling something in her heart. Was it the feeling of nervousness? The feeling of her heart fluttering? She did not know either, all she knew she liked being around her and will always do.


"Yes? What is it?"

"I think i'm in love with you" Hu Tao said without any hesitation. Hu Tao did not know how Yanfei was reacting but one thing for sure the silent became loud. No one was speaking at all. You could just hear the sound of the tree swaying.

"Uh.." Yanfei let out. She did not know what to say. After all, she only sees Hu Tao as a 'friend'. Yanfei did not know how to reject her politely. Hu Tao is her friend, of course she does not want to hurt her feelings right?

"I'm sorry Hu Tao i just-"

"Is fine, i understand. But can we still be friends. Things may be awkward now, i'm sorry" Hu Tao spoke as she sighed to herself.

"No no! is fine. Yes of course we can still be friends..."

"It doesn't matter. I'll wait until you fall in love with me and i'll say those three words to you" The words were 'I love you'.

"Hu Tao.."

"I'll wait, it does not matter how long it will take but i'll do anything to make you mine" Hu Tao still did not want to face Yanfei yet. She turned slowly to her left to see the face of guilt. Yanfei felt bad and guilty for Hu Tao.

"Anyways, i need to go now. It was nice talking to you. Cya tomorrow Yanfei!" Hu Tao said as she walked away from Yanfei.

"Oh by the way, don't force yourself! I want you to be really in love with me and not just faking it!" Hu Tao shouted from afar. Those words made Yanfei realised how much Hu Tao loves her.

Yanfei loved her of course as a friend. But she can't seem to love her more than that.


A/N: hi... yea uhm we are not going too fast btw this is just like, yes. yanfei does not like Hu Tao back btw.... sorry... anyway i'm so bored pls add me on disc tasha#9655 let's be bff ☹️☹️☹️ look at the my bio/or wtv thingy more abt urself area there to know more abt me and stuff SO EHEHEH. OKAY BYEEE. might update again tmr :DD

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