Chap 14: not now okay?

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Ever since the New Year party, everything did not feel right. Something was missing. Yanfei felt that what Hu Tao wanted to say is actually really important. But what did she say? Ever since that day that was all she thought about. What did she actually want to say? Why was Hu Tao acting weird after she complimented her hair pin?


"Why do you not want Yanfei to come?" Xiangling asked Hu Tao. It was the last day of that year and Xiangling thought they all (Yanfei, Xingqiu and Chongyun) should grab a drink together in a bar. Is legal for them to drink so why not enjoy their night drinking?

"She will see me drunk, I ain't allowing that," Hu Tao said as she looked for her ID in her pocket.

"So? We're all friends. What's wrong with that?" Xiangling questioned Hu Tao.

"I don't know i just don't want to,"

"Is it because of the failed confession.."

"It was all your fault okay!" Hu Tao whined as she pouted.

"Yea yea yea but still, why not give it another try?"

"I'm too scared for what. I collected myself for that just to fail. i'm trying to recollect myself okay.." Hu Tao said. Xiangling sighed as she heard her answer. She was also kind of guilty for that because now her lovely friendly is feeling down because of what she did not intend to do.

They were now in the bar. The were all
sitting around a round table. Everyone was just having a drink while talking about their plans for next year. All of them of course noticed Hu Tao's mood.

"Hu Tao, want a drink?" Xingqiu asked as he held a glass up for Hu Tao. Hu Tao glanced at the glass and stared at it for awhile. She realised staring at it won't answer his question so she nodded hesitantly. She drank before multiple times but it was not her favourite thing to do. She prefers to drink sugary drinks or a soda. But right now, she thinks that a sip or two of alcohol might help her push away these thoughts that were making her feel down.

"Two glass please!" Xingqiu said to the waiter. Once the waiter served the glass to Hu Tao lifted the glass slightly and started staring into it deeply. She has not drunk anything yet she feels a little dizzy. Her hand moved faster than her mind she drank the whole thing which shocked her friends.

The alcohol was starting to kick in. She asked for more, and more and more. It started to worry her friends. Her friends exchanged glances trying to think of what they should do. Before they knew it, Hu Tao was drunk with her head resting on the table, hair all sprawled out.

Xiangling went to the sit beside Hu Tao and checked on her. She scanned her face to see tears staining her cheeks. Xiangling panicked slightly and went to wipe those tears away.

"W-what's wrong Hu Tao? Is everything okay?" Xiangling asked as she patted her back.

"I love Yanfei so much. Why can't I just say those words to her face. Why is it so hard. What am i so afraid of?" she said as she started sobbing. Xiangling tried to think of a solution. Hu Tao's drunk and from what Xiangling know, Hu Tao is the emotional type of drunk. Once she's drunk all she does is cry about all those hidden emotions she usually don't show to anyone. That's why she's afraid of that Yanfei might see her drunk, all those words she want to keep hidden might spill out. Xiangling looked at her softly knowing that her best friend must be going through a lot.

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