The Meet Up

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Proof-red and Edited - April 7th, 2023

Author's Note: 53 reads? Y'all thirsty

Update: It's 70 now-


I look at him and smiled. "Obvious, no?" He grins. "Not exactly."
I mean he's not wrong. I probably look like my mom more. I never knew who she was though. Dad said she left right when I was born.

He didn't lie to me about how it all went down. How I wasn't exactly planned but expected. How my mom didn't want me. How he didn't want me either, but thanks to Aguni I was still alive.

I didn't mind the things he did back then. They were wrong, yes, but what makes me happy was how he didn't even try to hide it.

"Come, follow me." I walk towards Chishiya's room which happened to be on the same floor as mine. However, I was closer to the roof entrance, while he was slightly away. I wanted to bother him more so I requested this room for him from my dad. I slightly laugh at my childish mind.
Walking towards the door, I open it and walked in. Chishiya doing the same. "There should be some swimming trunks inside the closet. You're free to keep your sweater on though." He nods and almost immediately takes off his sweater and was about to take his shirt off.
"HEY! HOLD ON I HAVEN'T EVEN WALKED OUT YET!" I panicked and ran out.

Of course, I heard him laugh slightly...
But what the fuck? RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME?

After a few minutes, Chishiya comes out... I slowly turn around, but from his view, it was obvious that I was laughing.

"There was only one." I couldn't help but burst out.
"They look ridiculous!"
He only frowned and shrugs. I calm myself down and spoke up. "I need to show you around. However, I don't think you like me so I'll be on my way." I turn to him and smile.

"You think I don't like you?" Chishiya turns his head slightly and damn that grin...
I shrug. "If you want to prove me wrong, wait for me." I walk towards my room and went in, not looking back.

I had to change now that I'm back on this now-crowded Beach. While changing I noticed my locker key...


Sighing, I threw it into the mirror.

"Only one of us is escaping..."
"Why me?"
"Why do I have to be first?"

Memories came back from the first-ever meeting we had here on the Beach. It wasn't a pretty one.


"Thing is, I don't think we'll all go back home at once." My dad looked worried. Really worried. "Still, I want us to go by numbers. Positions. And such." Aguni and I nodded.

"We'll have the executive members. The maintenance. The gasoline provisional team. The militants, thanks to Aguni's idea. As well as the normal citizens." Dad picked up an item, what looked like a locker key. "Using these and keeping track number-wise will help us be more organized and official." He puts 3 locker keys on the table. I already gave one to An, and Samura." I look at mine. 001 it read.
"The number one will get out of here first, while everybody moves up a number and continues." Wait.. one? "Dad hold on-"
"Only one of us is escaping..." I look at him, tears forming in my eyes. "So if I'm number one..."
He only nodded and smiles. "Why me?" Dad was about to answer but I stopped him. "Why do I have to be first? Dad, you're making this place! You're the one who's giving hope and something to live for!" Aguni was quick to reassure them that they'll be fine. But how would they know?! I grab the tag and slammed it on the table while taking the number 2.

A Hatter's Tip [Shuntaro Chishiya x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ