The Horse

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Proof-red and Edited - April 7th, 2023


Kuina and I were hanging out in my room before the games go on. However, I had to leave quite early to be beside my dad so he can give out a speech. He always does this...

"Members of The Beach!" Here we go again...

"It is another day! Another day closer to ending this once and for all! We'll be free from this chaos! We're not done, but we are not giving up! Let's give it our best shot and win those cards!!" The crowd went wild.

I wasn't in my beach outfit, I was now in some comfortable clothing to run in. I mean, I didn't want to get my robe dirty in blood, and I didn't want to go cold naked out there either. So a crop long-sleeved top and my sports shorts should do the trick. Not to mention the cute running shoes I stole. They weren't that cute so I didn't mind getting them red.

After the speech was done, I walked alongside Aguni and another militant who also came along. Since I'm the favorite, my dad let me pick who I want to go with and how many people can go. I also get to choose where to go so it benefits our group in a way, not letting us go into heart games.

Hearts games take place in the widest array of venues compared to any other suit. Indoors, outdoors, large, and small. The lower the number, the smaller the place.

The note the guy gave me. I felt like I was on top after reading it. Maybe he was a game master and decided to let me know. But wouldn't that kill him instantly... or kill me? I'm not sure, but I'm still thankful that it comes in handy.

I walk up to the car and called shotgun. Aguni was driving, the other militant behind him, and last be not least...


Chishiya was behind me. Before Aguni can start the car, I saw him staring at me through the front mirror. He was grinning and waved a little. I nod and told Aguni that we were ready. (Bitch wave back, every fanfic, ever episode- SEE THIS IS WAY HES A SOCIOPATH)

One of the buildings that were lit up was an apartment of some sort. Looking at the size and sneaking a peek at the building, it was a perfect place for a Spades game. "Aguni, this one looks good." He nods and drives to the building I picked. I almost called him Aguni-san thanks to you writer-chan, stop focusing on your Spanish class and look at your tablet-

Once we arrived at a shady place, we all got out and walked right in. Aguni and his friend on one side, Chishiya and I on the other. Before I say anything, he used the electricity to his advantage and started to charge his music player.

"What type of songs you listen to?" To be honest he didn't look like he likes music at all. "None of your concern." Bitch I just wanted to know...

"Danma, why did you tell Kuina this was a date? You like me already?" I fucking choked on my spit-
"What? I only said that for fun. Just cause you're attractive doesn't mean I like your personality."
"So I'm attractive?" Fuck.
I decided to own it up and act cocky. "Maybe. But your bitchyness says otherwise." He laughs quietly and moves his hood up to cover himself. I slide down and rest my head on his legs. He moves away but I kept going he eventually gives up as other people started to come in.
Aguni goes to look around the building but not entirely, to where he can die.

A guy with a cap came and he certainly looked new. He started to ask some people what was happening but poor guy, no one answered.

A girl with short hair came in who looked pretty energetic and started to stare before she grabbed a phone and have the same blue cap guy ask questions. She's going to survive. Most of the females here looked pathetic, so I was glad that there was one who looked like she knows what she was doing. A guy came in and man and what the fuck is on his head.

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