The Beach

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Proof-red and Edited - April 12, 2023


Y/n's POV

I couldn't remember..


What does it mean...

'She doesn't need to know.' Father.. what did I not need to know?

Does this dream even mean anything?


My eyes opened wide and my body jolted up. Sweat was coming down. Nightmare? Maybe.. however, I can't remember what even happened. Wait.. what's going on?
"Y/n! Good morning my little one!" Oh yeah.. some stalkers came up to see us? Not sure what they want, but this should be fun.

I get up from the couch and looked around. The room was slowly filling up with the executives, all getting ready to follow the next step. A table was on the side that held some cards along with a piece of paper. My dad ordered 2 men to take the couch and have it out of the way, making more room for the 2 people up in the middle. 2 chairs stood and 2 people tied in it. One with a blue jacket. Another with a white undershirt. Black bags were over their head and they seemed to still be knocked out. Judging by their figure, they looked oddly familiar. Maybe played a game with these 2 before. Not sure. However, these 2 were caught watching us. They might be on to us. Seeking for an answer maybe.
I'm sure my dad can handle this.

As the last couple of executives came in, Father decided that it was time. He left the room, to make his entrance more dramatic in a way, while I stood by Ann, Mira, and Kuzuryū. Thing 1 and Thing 2 made their way to the poor captives, and with a flash, the bags were removed.

Well, what do you know? They were from the Hide and Seek game, huh?
Messy hair was the first to slowly open his eyes, trying to adjust the lights. Miss Athletic didn't fall too behind and quickly catches on, to what was going on.

Mira and Kuzuryū walked towards the center, Kuzu a little to the side, and greeted them. "Good morning." Mira spoke in a soft voice. Her hands were together, placed near her stomach, showing her attractive body. Kuzuryū, well, it looked like he just didn't give a damn. "I'm sorry that we're so rough."
I place myself a little far from Mira, opposite of Kuzuryū standing. Leaning towards the center with my head tilted. Messy hair's eyes started to wander around the room, taking every detail into his brain. Once his eyes were placed on mine, they widen, and he seemed to recognize me. "We heard that some people were sneaking around the place." I spoked. Pretty Ann, with crossed arms, walked in while questioning, "What are your motives?"

It took a moment before Messy finally spoke up. His voice was a bit shaky, and his eyes were scared, yet they seem a bit confident. Only for a little though. "We heard we'll know the answer... if we come here." Another traitor on the loose?
"What this game is about, and where all the people who disappeared went." Messy stared for a bit until I smirked nodding my head towards the door. He looked confused until his face spotted the door that was interrupted by the one and only man I called my father. "Exactly." Awh shit, here we go again. "We know the answers to the questions you both have." Dad walks up to them and leans closer, and with a warm welcome, "Welcome... to the Beach, the Utopia." He smiled.

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