Thank You

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Quick Author's Note:

I honestly lost motivation but after S2 came out, so many new fans are reading my story and commenting and it just really makes me feel good. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I will do my very best to finish it. As of now, here are a few things.

My name is Jazy, a Nijiro Murakami Fanfic writer. My Wattpad account is used for writing stories about almost every character that was played by Nijiro to show love to all his work and talent. He's a big inspiration to me as I want to become a Actress and I just wanna thank him for giving me hope. I am a big fan of his and seeing such little support from such a big artist really makes me upset, so I wanna help other Nijiro fans get the love they deserve as well with my writing as well with pushing his name to the light.

Please note that I'm a Mexican living in America who can't access much projects that Nijiro is in but I have come across some websites that helped. Although they don't count as streaming, I still wanna show his work to everyone else and hopefully, we can have more access easier to his works. Every fanfic I make will have a website included for you to watch the show/movie for yourself before reading my work, in case you also want to see him.

Your support means everything to him and I. Showing love to my writing is like showing love to him, and that's all that matters to me. I will keep going.

Don't be afraid to follow me ! I will shortly be making a IG account for my stories for sneak peaks and links to his works. I will also help ways to show support through him with your help, so let me know if you're interested !

Thank you for everything Rainbows !

Rainbow; a fan made fandom that I will be using as it also show's relation to Nijiro Murakami.
虹, or, Niji, meaning Rainbow in English

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