The Traitors

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Proof-red and Edited - April 12th, 2023


Y/n's POV

I wake up, remembering the meeting last night. We were running out of luck with the cards. It was getting harder. At this rate, we may not be in good hands. With one of the members going out to see how far we can go and others trying to look for clues, we were running out of time.


ell, for some of us.

My dad has a 100% chance of winning any game if I were honest. The guy is a menace. Aguni was strong so he has no issues. Me, however, well I'm not sure. But it's best to keep my head high.
"Y/n~ Get up, we got a job to do." Ugh. I forgot.

Getting rid of the traitors we recently found out.
Why do I have to tag along again?


get up and quickly got ready before opening the door, greeted by a pierced hot monster. "Let's go," I said, walking over to the floor we were told last night. "3 militants are already waiting for us," Niragi adds. "Remind me the names of the traitors," I asked.
"Murakami and Sakurada. Heh, pathetic names too." I nod as we walked down another flight of stairs, entering the hallway we were told.

As I immediately recognized this floor, Chishiya walks out of a room, looking towards our way. Right.. this is Kuina's floor. Someone cover her ears or something.

As Niragi and I walk towards our destination, I locked eyes with Chishiya, seeing his infamous smirk towards my way. Niragi didn't seem to notice or just didn't care. "Alright Princess, here's the room. You know what to do."
Chishiya seemed to watch my moves. It was obvious that I was looking back. Right when we stopped at the door, however, I sent him a smile, dropping it immediately as I barged inside.

"PUT YOUR FUCKING HANDS UP WHERE I CAN SEE 'EM!" I yelled. Niragi and the other militants aimed their guns at the 2 hopeless guys in the bed. Damn, they both looked hot but they walked into this mess. Wonder how they got here. Oh well.

The 2 guys dropped into the floor on their knees, one of them holding a paper. I walk over and took it, opening it up. 'Don't turn in the cards Murakami. It's a trick. We need to get out of here. The back is the safest place to get out.' It read.

"Ha. You really think you leave? We created this paradise for you, boys. Why leave?" One of them answers. "We know this is a trap. We will get out of here and you can't stop us!"
"Sakurada stop! You're making it worse." Whatever joke this 'Murakami' said made Niragi laugh. "Worse?! It was already worse when you decided to keep the cards! Now tell us where are they!" They both kept quiet. I signal the militants to search the place and they were quick to receive it. "Niragi, you take Sakurada. I'll take this pretty one here." He frowns at me but was quick to grab ahold of the guy. I did the same with the other and caught knife that Niragi threw at me. "It's in the bottom drawer! The bottom drawer! Please don't kill me!" He yelled.
I nod at the place for the 3 to search and there they were indeed in there. 7 cards in total to be exact. One of them handed it over to me. "Huh, you made it easier for me. However, you still broke the rules. I think you know what happens next." I look over at Niragi. "Psycho, go crazy." He grins widely and shoots the one he had captive within a blink of an eye. The other was screaming and started to cry.
"It's just business. It's life hun, you wouldn't understand since you clearly want to die." With one last piercing scream, Niragi ends his life with who-knows-how-much bullets into the chest.

I count the cards one last time before continuing. "Throw one of 'em out. Give the other to Ann, she needs more bodies to look at anyways. A fresh one might help. Also, clean this place up, ugh, it smells like smoke." I coughed out. I walk out as they went straight to work, completely forgetting that Chishiya was still by the door, now with Kuina by his side.
Of course he stayed to watch...
I look over at them. Blondie was amused. Queen... well... I hope that fake cigarette on the floor is clean enough for her.
Walking over to them, I shrug at their reactions. "You're ruthless." Bitch..
"Let's not act like you didn't kill people for your benefit too." He only smirks at my comment. "Ouch." Before I could walk again, Chishiya decided to speak again.
The audacity-

"Would you do the same if it was me?"
(I mean... but... it was... poor Murakami.)
I froze at my spot, thinking. Would I? Actually would he even do such a thing? Well, he kinda does look like he-
"You're not special," I answer. I look back at him. That same smirk was still plastered onto his face. It's like it's glued to his face or something. Can this guy even smile?
"But if I were honest. I believe in favorites." I then walk off.


It was getting dark again. To be honest it was boring today. Nothing fun or anything to do. All I did was take a nap, get a bit drunk, and just annoy Aguni the whole day. Now and then I would see Chishiya, but I either ignore him or give him a stare at him back with a smile until one of us broke eye contact.
He was, of course, winning that little game...

Knock knock knock. "Danma! Your dad needs you to stay in the office. We got some spies or something."
"I'll be there Tatta!" With that, I heard his footsteps walking off.

Spies? Since when did we get spied on? Well...
I got up from my bed, pushing the book I stole away from me. Grabbing my robe and putting on my chanclas (Idk how to say them in English) I walk off to the office.

"MY BABY!" Next thing I know I was being held in a tight hug by my father. "Dad, please.. not in front of everyone." He inky laughs and lets me go. "Come now. We have some interesting guests." I look over and see 2 people in chairs, all tied up. Their face was covered with black bags but I could tell they were knocked out cold. Probably won't wake up til tomorrow or something. "They have several cards and I bet they are good. They might help us. That is if they don't want to die." I look over at the cards facing down. They were neatly placed on the table. Ann spoke up, "They were found near the entrance. Looking across from the bridge."

"We assume they have bad intentions but they might help us with the cards. One of them looks at least promising." Glasses said. I nod.
"This might help us, now that we have some new people. We still gotta be alert, however." I announced.
"Don't you think you're being a little too violent with them?" I look over at, this bitch-, Blondie, again, smirking.
"We're not violent enough," Mira said. Chishiya lowered his smirking but was still having fun with this. "I call shots on the chic if they do anything." Niragi harasses.
"Calm your hormones you horny bitch. We'll wait until they wake up. Then the real 'fun' begins." Everyone nods at my statement, getting ready to depart. Chishiya looks at me one last time before he leaves.

I had to stay and sleep here since I'm a part of the 'very important people'. It was me, Aguni, and my dad. The Main Three I guess. "Get some rest dear. I'll wake you up once it's time." I happily agree and quickly made my way to the couch, knowing damn well it wasn't a good bed to sleep in. But it was good enough for this night.

Before I could shut my eyes, I couldn't help but think of Blondie. It wasn't due to his hotness, it was his sayings and behaviors. There's something about him that makes him interesting to me. I might be going crazy but I can't help it and feel some type of way when it comes to him. Not sure what exactly it is but it's something. If anything I think it might be wanting more from him. Physically and mentally.
Not sure where I'm heading with this but it was something that made me lose sleep for the next 2 and half hours.
I mean there's not much to him. Not much to expect either. At first glance that is. Once you know him, however, he's like a mystery box that you still can't open and is dying to get it.

Wait why am I even thinking about him late at night? Y/n, go to sleep.

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