Chapter One

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Puente Antiguo, New Mexico

It was night as a van sat idly on the ground. Beeping could be heard as three people sat in the vehicle. Their names were Dr. Erik Selvig, Jane Foster, and Darcy Lewis. The lights to the vehicle shut off as Darcy was sitting in the driver's seat. Erik and Jane go up to the top of the car, the latter placing a device down along with a timing device. The two then look up towards the sky. Nothing seems to happen as Erik looks over at the woman.

"Wait for it." Jane says hopefully.

"Can I turn on the radio?" Darcy asks from inside the van.


"Jane, you can't keep doing this." Erik told her.

"The last 17 occurrences have been predictable to the second." Jane skims through her book.

"Jane, you're an astrophysicist, not some storm chaser."

I'm telling you, there's a connection between these atmospheric disturbances and my research. Erik, I-I wouldn't have asked you to fly out here if I wasn't absolutely sure."

Darcy spots something in the mirror, "Jane? I think you want to see this."

They look to see some kind of storm.

"What is that?" Jane asks.

"I thought you said it was a subtle aurora!" Erik looks up at it in shock and awe.

"Go!" Jane shouts as Darcy steps on the gas pedal, the van taking off toward the storm, "Get closer. Right. Good one. Go!" she holds a video camera in her hand and holds it out the window. She laughs triumphantly, but stops as a sudden tornado hits. Darcy continues driving towards it, turning the wheel in different directions.

"What are you doing?" Jane asks.

"I am not dying for six college credits!" Darcy exclaims before Jane takes the wheel, leading the van towards the tornado. Thunder crashes and lightning flashes as something hits the ground. The vehicle then swerves and hits the object, an adult male. Darcy hits the brakes. They look at each other and immediately get out of the van, running over to the fallen man.

"I think that was legally your fault!" Darcy told Jane.

"Get the first aid kit." the woman ordered before kneeling down to the man, "Do me a favor and don't be dead. Please." she looks around, "Where did he come from?"


Tonsberg, Norway 965 A.D.

"Once, mankind accepted a simple truth, that they were not alone in this universe. Some worlds man believed to be home to their gods. Others, they knew to fear." the king, Odin, spoke as he explained the war between the Asgardians and the Frost Giants, "From a realm of cold and darkness came the Frost Giants," a frost giant uses an artifact called the Casket of Ancient Winters to freeze a land they were trying to conquer as the civilians screamed when they froze, "threatening to plunge the mortal world into a new ice age." a frost giant roared as he striked, "But humanity would not face this threat alone." Odin appears with an army, glaring Laufey, the head of the Frost Giants, down as they each let out a yell, the armies charging at each other and attacking, "Our armies drove the Frost Giants back into the heart of their own world. The cost was great. In the end, their king fell." Odin aimed his weapon at Laufey's neck, his right eye missing as an Asgardian guard took the Casket of Ancient Winters, "And the source of their power was taken from them." they teleport back to Asgard.



"With the last great war ended, we withdrew from the other worlds and returned home to the Realm Eternal, Asgard. Here we remain as a beacon of hope, shining out across the stars. And though we have fallen into man's myths and legends, it was Asgard and its warriors that brought peace to the universe." he finishes telling the story to his two sons. One of his sons was named Thor. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. His other son's name was Loki. He had black hair and blue eyes, "But the day will come...when one of you...will have to defend that peace."

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