Chapter Five

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An agent walks into the room, "Sir? Ma'am? He's got a visitor."

The two step outside to see Erik Selvig.

"His name is Donald Blake?" Coulson asks.

Amora smiles slightly, happy that someone else was protecting Thor.

"Dr. Donald Blake."

"You have dangerous coworkers, Dr. Selvig."

"He was distraught when he found out that you've taken all our research." Erik says as Amora cuts in saying "Borrowed.", "That was years of his life, gone! You can understand how a man could go off like that. A big, faceless organization like yours coming in with their jackbooted thugs and..."

"His words or yours?" Amora smirks.

"That's how he put it." Erik told her.

"That still doesn't explain how he managed to tear through our security." Coulson says.

Amora looks at Erik expectantly, hoping for a good excuse.

"Steroids! He's a bit of a fitness nut!" Erik explains as Amora sighs in relief.

"Sir?" an agent speaks up, getting Coulson's attention.

He reads an alert of a falsified data, "It says here that he's an M.D."

"Well, he is! Or he was. He, uh, switched careers and became a physicist. A-A brilliant physicist. H-He's a wonderful man. He's a man in pain." Erik told him.


Amora walks into the room, "Well, Donald, you are free to go."

"What?" Thor looks at her in confusion.

Amora mouths, "Just go with it." and winks as Erik walks in.

"Oh, Donny, Donny, Donny! There you are. It's gonna be alright. I'm taking you home now." Erik helps him up.

Amora sneakily passes Jane's book to Thor, "Tell that woman to mind her business and let me do my job."

"Thank you, Amora."


Erik and Thor walk out of the facility and head on out, Amora watching them.

"Dr. Selvig!" Coulson calls, making them stop, "Just keep him away from the bars."

"I will!" Erik told him before the two start walking away again.

"Where are we going?" Thor asks.

"To get a drink." Erik answers.

"Follow them." Coulson commands once they left, Amora having a worried look on her face.


Thor and Erik sit at a bar.

"You know, I had it all backwards...I had it all wrong." Thor admits.

"It's not a bad thing finding out that you don't have all the answers. You start asking the right questions." Erik told him.

"For the first time in my life, I idea what I'm supposed to do."

"Anyone who's ever going to find his way in this world has to start by admitting he doesn't know where the hell he is."

"Thank you for what you've done." Thor told him.

"No, don't thank me. I only did it for Jane. Her father and I taught at university together. He was a good man...He never listened." Erin explains.

"Neither did I. My father was trying to teach me something, but I was too stupid to see it." Thor says.

"I don't know if you're delusional or if you're pulling some kind of con, I don't care. I just care about her. I've seen the way she looks at you."

Amora Green: The Seventh Avenger (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now