Chapter Four

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Erik types on the library computer before standing up and walking over to a book cart, picking up a book titled, "The Giant Slayer". He then notices a book titled, "Myths and Legends from Around the World" and picks it up while placing "The Giant Slayer" down. He then opens it up and starts to read it, landing on a page talking about the Bifrost. He then flips to the next page on Thursday or Thor's Day, making Erik scoff as he closes the book.


Jane drives the van and spots Thor walking into a pet shop.

"I need a horse!" Thor declares to the employee.

"We don't have horses. Just dogs, cats, birds..."

"Then give me one of those large enough to ride."

Jane drives by and honks the horn, "Hey, you still need a lift?"

Thor turns and smiles, leaving the pet store.


I've never done anything like this before. Have you ever done anything like this before?" Jane asks.

"Many times. But you're brave to do it." Thor told her.

"Well, they just stole my entire life's work. I don't really have much left to lose." Jane says.

"Yeah, but you're clever. Far more clever than anyone else in this realm." Thor told her before thinking to himself, "Well, maybe you're a close tie with Amora if she is down here."

""Realm"?" Jane asks, ""Realm"?"

"You think me strange."

"Yeah, I do."

"Good strange or bad strange?"

"I'm not quite sure yet." Jane suddenly veered off the road as she wasn't paying attention, she then turns the van back onto the road, both her and Thor laughing, "I'm sorry." they grow silent before she speaks again, "But who are you? Really?"

"You'll see soon enough."

"You promised me answers."

"What you seek, it's a bridge."

"Like an Einstein-Rosen Bridge?"

"More like a Rainbow Bridge."

"God, I hope you're not crazy."


(This is a flashback before the scene where the Warriors Three and Sif see Loki on the throne)

Frigga sits at Odin's bedside, holding his hand as he lied there, looking pale and lifeless as a golden barrier covered him. Loki sat across from Frigga, looking down at his father before looking up at her as she spoke softly, "I asked him to be honest with you from the beginning. There should be no secrets in a family."

"So why did he lie?" Loki spoke after a few seconds of silence, "About my heritage and about Amora?"

"He kept the truth from you so that you would never feel different. You are our son, Loki, and we your family. You must know that." Frigga told him as her son stared at Odin, "He knew you cared about Amora, so he never told you about her banishment or her engagement, because he knew that you would do anything to have her back." she then whispers, "You can speak to him. He can see and hear us, even now."

"How long will it last?" Loki asks.

"I don't know. This time is different. We were unprepared."

"I never get used to seeing him like this. The most powerful being in the Nine Realms lying helpless until his body is restored."

"But he's put it off for so long now, that I fear...You're a good son. We mustn't lose hope that your father will return to us. And your brother."

Amora Green: The Seventh Avenger (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now