Chapter Twelve

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Barton pulls the trigger on his bow, the arrow exploding the engine right off the Helicarrier as everyone in the lab is thrown in every direction with Steve, Fury, Thor, and Tony being thrown across while Natasha and Bruce get thrown down into the lower equipment room.

Steven looks up at Tony, "Put on the suit!"

"Yep!" Tony agreed as the two men rush out of the lab, every single agent gearing up.

Fury sits up and puts an hand to his earpiece, "Hill!"

"External detonation. Number three engine is down." Hill reports before heading to the Galaga player, "Can they get it running? Talk to me."

"Turbine looks mostly intact but it's impossible to get out there to make repairs while we're in the air."

"If we lose one more engine, we won't be." Hill presses her earpiece, "Somebody's gotta get outside and patch that engine."

"Stark, you copy that?" Fury asks.

"I'm on it!"

"Coulson, initiate defensive lockdown in the detention section then get to the armoury." Fury commands as he leaves the lab, Coulson heading out of the bridge, "Romanoff?"

Natasha's leg was pinned down by some fallen debris, "We're okay." she looks over to Bruce, who seemed to be gripping the grated floor, "We're okay, right?"

Barton leads his men into the air ducts of the ship, rappeling down into a corridor, "Keep that engine down!"

"Yes, sir."

"Detention, wait for cameras to go dark."

"You got it."

"Stay close." Clint and two of his men head towards the bridge.


Tony and Steve run through a dim, debris filled hall.

"Engine three." Tony told him, "I'll meet you there." Steve runs off as Tony pushes a button, his suit appearing.


"Doctor?" Natasha spokr up as he groaned, "Bruce? You gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be okay. Listen to me."

Two S.H.I.E.L.D. soldiers arrive to check on her, "Are you hurt?"

Natasha furiously waves them away, making them bolt out of there, "We're gonna be okay. All right? I swear on my life, I will get you out of this. You will walk away and never ever-"

"Your life?" Bruce's voice changes as he slowly transforms into the other guy, falling down to the lower level as he looks up at her.


He fully transforms at this point, the lights going out as he roars. Natasha is able to free herself, looking over at him as the green monster turns his head, growling. She rushes up the stairs with Hulk chasing after her. She maneuvers to the upper level as he yanked the staircase back. She continues and rolls under a turbine, crawling within the maze of pipes as Hulk pulled them out. She eventually escapes stealthily with Hulk letting out a roar of rage.                  


Loki looks up upon hearing the roar, smiling mischievously.

Amora starts to push the button, screaming as her shock collar activates again, making her slam her hand down to open the cell.

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