Chapter Two

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"We shouldn't be here." Hogun states as they looked around.

"Let's move." Thor commands as he walks forward first, the others following after him. They walk in silence, not a Frost Giant in sight. The only sounds they heard was the chilly winds and the ice breaking off.

"Where are they?" Sif eventually asks.

"Hiding, as cowards always do." Thor states.

"You've come a long way to die, Asgardians." Laufey's voice spoke out to them.

"I am Thor Odinson!"

"We know who you are."

"How did your people get into Asgard?" Thor asks.

Laufey exhales slowly, staring at them, "The House of full of traitors."

"Do not dishonor my father's name with your lies!" Thor shouts.

Laufey stands up from his throne, "Your father is a murderer and a thief! And why have you come here? To make peace? You long for battle. You crave it. You're nothing but a boy trying to prove himself a man."

Frost Giants appear from all sides.

"Well, this "boy" has grown tired of your mockery." Thor spoke as Frost Giants make ice swords appear in their hands.

"Thor, stop and think like Amora used to do. Look around you, we're outnumbered." Loki told him.

"Know your place, Brother."

"You know not what your actions would unleash...I do. Go now, while I still allow it." Laufey steps forward.

"We will accept your most gracious offer." Loki agrees as his brother looks at him in disbelief,  "Come on, Brother."

Thor glares at Laufey for a few moments before turning back and starting to walk away.

"Run back home, little princess."

"Damn." Loki swore as Thor smirked, using his hammer to smack Laufey away.

"Next?" Thor continues to fight against the Frost Giants, the others joining.

"At least make it a challenge for me!" Thor mocks before getting knocked to the ground by a Frost Giant. He looks up at Laufey, "That's more like it!"

Loki spots a Frost Giant charging towards him and backs up near the edge of the cliff. Suddenly, the Giant ran through him and fell to his death. The real Loki, who was hiding away, makes the illusion disappear, "I wish Amora was here to see this."

Suddenly, Volstagg yells as he gets grabbed by a Frost Giant, feeling his skin burn from the cold touch. He knocks the Giant away, looking down at his arm, "Don't let them touch you!"

A Frost Giant grabs Loki's arm...but it doesn't burn. Instead, the God of Mischief's arm starts to turn blue. He looks in confusion along with the Frost Giant before stabbing him and killing him. He looks down at his hand again as it turns back to normal.

Suddenly, Fandral gets impaled by icicles, Loki killing a Frost Giant nearby.

"Thor!" Sif calls out as Hogun and Volstagg get Fandral off the icicle.

"We must go!" Loki adds.

"Then go!" Thor throws his hammer, killing a bunch of Frost Giants.

Laufey makes a giant beast awake as Thor continues to fight the giants.

"Run!" Volstagg yells as the others fall back away from the beast.

"Thor!" Loki calls out to his brother, but doesn't get a response.

Amora Green: The Seventh Avenger (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now