Chapter Ten

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The Quinjet lands on the Helicarrier as Phil and Steven get off it, Natasha walking over.

"Stow the captain's gear." Phil commands.

"Yes, sir."

"Agent Romanoff, Captain Rogers." Phil introduces the two.


"Hi. They need you on the bridge. They're starting the face-trace." Natasha told the agent.

"See you there." Phil walks off.

"It was quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice. I thought Coulson was gonna swoon." Natasha says as she and Steve start walking. 

Suddenly, Amora, in a fancy emerald green and gold dress appeared as she was doing her makeup, "Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?"

Steve's eyes widen, "Trading cards?"

"They're vintage. He's very proud." Natasha says, "This is Dr. Green, or Amora, she's an Asgardian." she taps the woman's shoulder, a green shimmer popping up, "It's an illusion of her while she's in Germany."

"There's a gala tonight and I really want to go there." Amora says as she applies eyeshadow.

The three spot Bruce looking around at the aircrafts and the people.

"Dr Banner." Steve calls to him.

"Yeah, hi." Bruce walks over, shaking his hand, "They told me you would be coming."

"Word is, you can find the Cube." Steve says as Amora tenses up.

"Is that the only word on me?" Bruce asks.

"Only word I care about."

"It must be strange for you, all of this." Bruce gestures to all of the equipment that wasn't around in Steve's time.

"Well, this is actually kind of familiar." Steven looks over at a group of men running.

"Gentlemen, you might want to step inside in a minute. It's gonna get a little hard to breathe." Natasha advises.

"Oh, I love this part." Amora smiles.

The Helicarrier starts to shake as it prepares itself, the people abord strapping the planes and Quinjets down.

"Is this a submarine?" Steve asks.

"Really? They want me in a submerged, pressurised, metal container?" Bruce adds as he and Steve start walking to the edge.

"You might not want to look down." Amora advises as four huge lift fans mouthed on the sides start to lift the Helicarrier into the air, the ship taking flight.

Steve watches in awe as Bruce smiles.

"No, no, this is much worse." Bruce comments.


The four walk through the halls of the Helicarrier, entering the bridge of the ship, where agents sit in front of their viewscreens, making sure everything was working right.

"All engines operating. S.H.I.E.L.D. Emergency Protocol 193.6 in effect." Hill reports before turning to Fury, "We are at level, sir."

"Good. Let's vanish." 

"Engage retro-reflection panels."

The Helicarrier suddenly gets covered in reflecting mirrors, camouflaging in the sky.

"Reflection panels engaged."

"Gentlemen." Fury turns to them, Steve giving him ten bucks before walking around to explore the bridge, Maria watching him. Fury walks over to Bruce and extends his hand, "Doctor, thank you for coming."

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