Chapter eighteen: Emma

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I was in trouble. I giggled at Linda who giggled back, taking another sip of the chardonnay she had swiped from her mum.

Lincoln would be furious if he could see me right now. The thought made me giggle again.

"You're a bad influence." I blurted at Linda who giggled, leaning closer to kiss my lips.

"Anything to take your mind off it, babygirl." She said, giggling.

I wasn't entirely sure how I got here. After Max and I got home, we fought when I told her to have a bath and watch TV with Amelié until Louis came and gently asked to talk to her. He led her out of the room despite her resistance and I could hear him asking her what was wrong.

He was still talking to her when Amelié told me to take some deep breaths and I screamed at her to leave me alone.

By the time Louis came back downstairs, we weren't speaking and he asked calmly to speak to me.

"Just leave me alone!" I yelled, trying to leave the room.

"Come on, Emma. I think we need to have a little chat." Louis said, in a stern tone I hadn't heard him use before.

He took me by the arm and gently led me out of the room.

"What's the matter?" He asked, tilting my head so I was looking at him directly.

My mouth remained shut.

"Emma? Talk to me, please." He said, patiently.

I rolled my eyes and he waited.

"I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong." He chided.

"I don't know. I don't know." I shouted.

He clenched his fists and took a deep breath.

"Why don't you go for a walk for a bit and calm down?" He suggested. "You can tell me what the matter is when you get back. Keep your phone on so I can contact you."

I waited for a beat, as if he was trying to trick me before I slipped my boots on and left the house, walking through the quiet streets as I pulled my phone out to message her.

She met me at our usual place and wrapped her arm around me.

"I have something that will cheer you up." She whispered into my ear, ticking my cheek with her minty breath.

She pulled out a bottle of chardonnay and swirled it around with a smile.

"Where did you get that?" I whispered.

"Borrowed it from Mum's collection." She giggled. "Come on, it'll help take your mind off things."


"Do you ever think about running away?" I asked, wistfully. "Just packing a bag and walking away from society. From the responsibilities."

"Sometimes." She replied. "That's why I'm here."

I didn't ask anymore. If she wanted to tell me she would.

"I'm going to run away one day." I declared. "I don't need these homes. I don't need Lincoln. I'll be just fine on my own."

She smiled, not taking me seriously.

"Come with me." I said, excitedly. "We can figure things out together."

"I don't know, Em. I think you need to go home. You're drunk."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are." She insisted. "Come on, I'll help you get home."

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