humans are so last year

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 they run down the hall faster then before Jake looks worried about jay
"Jay... stop" jay doesn't hear him. Jake says it more stern "Jay stop."
Jay hears him but calmly says "no... no till we escape." Jake thinks about if they don't escape... what if we escape and.... there's nothing for us WHO KNOWS HOW LONG WE BEEN IN THERE the inner voices scream on the verge of tears with a drop on the side of his eye "JAY STOP." Jay stops dead in his path. "Jay look... just.... stop... we aren't finna make it out, even if we do make it out there is probably nothing left for us..... we don't know how long it's been." Jay thinks before finding a widow "I'll show you Jake the world is the same..... am..... am...."

Walks to the window in pure shock.... the destroyed world... "so there it is.... you were right....and we probably won't escape we been on the same floor for 4 days." They just sit there looking at the sunset... CRACK.... "what was that..." the floor... drops.



Jay's pov]

Ringing fills MY ears I hear..... "jay....... jay.... JAY WAKE UP" I get up slowly and stumble still dizzy from the fall walks aimlessly for a second  before gaining cognitive abilities again. Blood drips on the floor I realize my nose is bleeding... not too concerned looks at reflection and finds... one of his eyes are miss colored his eyes are usually brown but now one is blue...
Doesn't really... care just keeps walking  "cmon jake" they both walk into a very grassy area with  orange bushes or somthing notices somthing twitching in the bushes...


Hello guys I'm getting transfurs from the new updates from changed special

If you think Jay and Jake should have a relation ship just tell me in the comments bye guys and cya next time
[Ps I need a catch phrase]


changed: tales of tailsWhere stories live. Discover now