old friend

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Ace is almost finna choke jay to death as Ace notices he stops his hug.
"Where is jake?" Jay jesters him to follow him as they walk and talk to each other. -yeah that was funny" Jay look not angry but annoyed "that wasn't funny" Ace "yes it was Jake face was so red [laughs]" Jay is still mad. They walk to the lab.  Jake is finally walking up. Jake looks mentally tired as he shakes he head. Jake notices Jake and ace but before he could notice ace again ace wasn around his neck hugging him. Jake happily says
"I'm glad to see you again haven't seen you in a while." Ace "you still like jay"
Jay looks angrily "HEY" as the dragon
[Ace] looks at him with the troll face
"Heh why so mad."  Jay looks at Jake and can see the red through the black fur....

What do you know "


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