Chapter 15

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Lisa was starting to get used to the sleepless nights. 

It had gotten more frequent and frequent but surprisingly, tonight, unlike most nights, she didn't really mind. Not when she could still feel the warmth that Jennie's lips left on her cheek.

She brought her hand up to her face and touched her cheek and chuckled. Lisa felt like a kid who had just gotten a new toy, or a teenager who just asked her crush for a date and agreed. To say that she was giddy was an understatement. She was overjoyed, she was hyper and it felt really exhilarating. 

Lisa rolled on her bed and settled on her tummy. She clutched the pillow she was nuzzling and almost squealed. 

It was getting really ridiculous, even for her. 

A knock on her door made her conscious of her love-drunk idiocy. It sounded light, shy, and she had to ask herself if she actually heard right. She glanced at the clock on her nightstand and furrowed her eyebrows. 

Two in the morning, it read. 

She got up nonetheless, ignoring the cold floor as she planted her feet firmly, because there's no one in that room who would knock at her door at that time other than Jennie. 

The thought made her swallow. She was nervous all of a sudden. 

Taking a deep breath, Lisa stood, albeit a little shaky, and made her way towards the door.

The knob was cold to her touch, the same with the floor to her feet, and the sudden chill she felt in her bones made everything worse. For a second, she pondered if she should open the door. Would it even make a difference? What good will it do to her if she did? 

Questions filled her mind as she turned the knob gently before opening the door, barely missing a retreating Jennie.


It was a bad idea. 

But the temptation was too great to ignore and so Jennie found herself knocking on Lisa's door at two in the morning, not even sure, rather without thinking, if the other girl was even awake.

Hours before, she lay awake beside her snoozing daughter, touching her lips that were left tingling after she kissed Lisa lightly on her cheeks. A certain thought continued to hammer its way in her mind and it's making her head hurt. 

She was confused, to say the least, but more over, she had to know. The curiosity never seems to run out and it's getting pretty tiring.

"I had a great time," Jennie voiced out as Lisa walked her towards the front of her room. I

t was kind of silly, 'cause they were staying at the same hotel room, but Jennie appreciated the gesture nonetheless. Actually, she loved it. And for once she was thankful that they had separate bedrooms. 

"That's good to know." Lisa smiled at her and it was contagious. 

Jennie knew she was beaming, and though there was a little awkward silence surrounding them, her heart felt light. She wasn't soaring, it was nothing like that, but it was enough to make her feel elated, free. 

She opened the door gently and peeked at her sleeping daughter. The little girl was huddled comfortably between two pillows, safe from falling off the edges of the bed. She chuckled silently and thought of her two friends. Somehow she thought that the couple was already prepared to have an addition to their small family. 

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