Chapter 18

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Jennie had always regarded life as a bundle of unexpected events and situations that were occasionally thrown at her to keep her in check. Countless of times, she had found herself stuck in a sticky scenario, but often times, she manages to get out, sometimes unscathed, but most of the time, wounded. 

When she was thrown in that horrible dilemma where she needed to leave Lisa for a man she had fell in love with, she felt so terrible that she wanted to just drown herself in the tub provided in her hotel suite. 

She knew, that although Lisa had let her go that day, that she left a very big wound on the latter's heart. Jennie had already accepted the possibility, very guiltily, that it might never heal again, but who was she? She was only human, and though it sounded selfish, she just wanted to be happy. 

Just when she thought that her life had turned for the better, she was left by the person whom she thought had loved her as much as she did, at a life-turning event too, when she found out that she was pregnant with his child. 

She was thankful though, for her daughter's existence, because somehow her little girl had slowed her fast paced life a little bit, and only then had she experienced the joys that life was finally ready to offer her. 

But as they say, nothing remains steady forever.

"What are you doing here?" 

Jennie sighed as she rubbed her temples, feeling an impending headache trying to break through her skull. Everything was getting tiring. 

"I... I called your dad and asked for you. He said you came back here for a wedding so... So I followed you," he said awkwardly, scared. 


"Jennie, c-can we talk? Please?" 

"We're talking now, aren't we?" Her voice sounded irritated and she knew that the man had sensed it. 

He fidgeted and looked at Seulgi's direction apprehensively before turning back at her. Jennie knew he wanted some privacy but being alone with him scared her. Of what and why, she did not know. Nonetheless, she gave in to his request and asked Seulgi to go be with Ella for a while. The other girl hesitated but nodded and left not long after, but not without giving her a disapproving look.

"Talk," Jennie finally said as soon as Seulgi closed the door. 

She didn't want to be harsh but she just couldn't control the annoyance that was gradually building up inside of her. 

Jennie thought that everything would finally start to be better, especially now that she had Lisa back, but sadly it wasn't how life worked. 

"I-I'm sorry," he said with his head down, and Jennie can see how nervous he was. 

She closed her eyes and tried to push all the feelings that were threatening to explode. Her  daughter was sleeping peacefully in the other room and she didn't want to wake her up. She knew how loud she could be, and so screaming wasn't an option. 

"That's it? You're just... sorry?" She hissed as her annoyance was starting to become anger. 

"No, no! I... I screwed up, Jen. I'm really sorry," he said as he lowered his head more, "We had just settled in and everything was just running so perfectly for us! My job was doing great and I just had my promotion! A-And I wasn't ready to be a dad ye—" 

"And you think I was?!"

Jennie was now fuming mad. She couldn't believe the things she was hearing from the man he left Lisa for. She couldn't hold in her voice anymore and she just wished that the walls were thick enough to muffle her screams. 

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