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The sun's afternoon rays felt warm against her skin and it made her smile. She had been out for a good two hours now and though she can feel her body heat up from being out under the sun for too long, the coldness of the breeze that was making her white dress flutter kept her cool and refreshed.

Lisa closed her eyes and she smiled wider, because right now she couldn't be any happier. Everything seemed to look more beautiful to her, like how the sun shone brighter, or like how the sea looked clearer, more enchanting.

She held and swung her flip flops beside her as she walked, enjoying the feel of the sand under her bare feet. She let her toes dig deeper as she took her steps, and although she knew that she was needed somewhere at that second, she took her time observing, feeling, living, everything beautiful she had managed to come across.

It was a little new for her though, because right now, Lisa was in paradise yet she didn't have her camera with her. What a waste, she thought, as she passed by numerous scenarios that would have been a perfect picture. Her hands itched as she passed them one by one, regretting that she didn't bring anything, not even her phone or a disposable point-and-shoot camera.

Lisa chuckled to herself as she decided to go back. She knew she'd be scolded for running off without telling anyone, especially by her best friend who was probably more stressed than anyone, but today was her day, their day, and she wouldn't let anyone, even Seulgi, spoil it.

The sun continued to dominate the skies as it boasted its magnificence, and it still amazed Lisa how such beauty existed. Everything around her sparkled with life, and somehow she missed the feeling of being surrounded by nature. Being gone for two years had done so much  for her, especially for her heart, and she had experienced firsthand how travelling to new placesand trying new things had revived her. Lisa felt like a new person when she went back, but no matter how many new things she had gained, new insights or maybe a few new habits or two, she still had her old heart.

Old and filled with scars, yet healed and ready to beat again for two.

Lisa's heart was now again whole.

She stopped walking when the sight of meticulously arranged rows of chairs greeted her, and she chuckled when she saw Seulgi and Chaeyoung yelling out continuous bouts of orders and instructions to a lot of scared looking hotel employees, with a very worried Jisoo holding a crying toddler at the side.

Lisa then saw her best friend pull out a phone from her purse, jabbing on the device screen mercilessly before putting it against her ear. She observed her do the same thing twice before seeing her give up with a frustrated sigh. It was amusing for her to see the usually cool girl lose her patience and she was close to laughing out loud when she saw the shorter girl mouthed 'I will kill that monkey when I see her' to Chaeyoung.

She gulped and changed her destination. It was indeed her day, but she knew her best friend well enough to steer clear away from her when she's mad. She wouldn't want to sport a nasty bruise on her face when she says 'I do' to her.


The sound of a phone ringing tore her attention away from the mirror and onto the device that was furiously vibrating on the night stand. She reached out for it but her instincts were telling her not to answer, especially when she saw Seulgi's name flashing ominously on the screen.

Jennie pondered for a while before leaving the phone alone, since it wasn't really hers and it was rude to invade privacy. Even though privacy was pretty much out of the question with them now, she still wanted to respect her space, even if the other had always insisted that what washers will also belong to her.

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