Spamton- The Cuddles Deal

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Requested by: DullFrog42

Thanks for the request! :D Contains... insomnia, and... lots of cuddles. Oh, and... grilled cheese sandwiches- Also, uh, this is the first time I have ever publically published a oneshot with cuddles, so I'm a little self conscious of it... 😅 BUT I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!! 😳 Now onto the story!


You stared up at the ceiling, darkness consuming your room. The only light was the moon's pale glow through your curtains that spread partially over your blankets. With a grumble, you rolled over onto your side, clutching your blankets close to your body. 

All you could hear was silence and your own breathing.

You rolled over onto your other side. Then tried laying on your stomach. Nothing felt comfortable enough, despite your bed being quite comfortable. Finally, you gave up, sitting up with a deep sigh. Your now messy hair flopped partially into your face, which you brushed aside before pushing your blankets away and getting out of bed.

You cursed when you feet touched the cold wooden floor.

Haphazardly, you shuffled out of your room and through the house, making your way over to the living room. The TV was on, playing through commercials. You could see the curled up ends of Spamton's slicked back hair poking up from over top of the couch. "Hey Spammy," you muttered groggily, rubbing at your eyes. "What're you doin'...?" You peered over the top of the couch to look down at what he was holding.

He had notebooks and papers spread around, covered with writing with nearly every inch. Spamton was idly chewing at the end of his pencil, eyes fixated on the TV screen. "Hey..." you murmured, coming around the edge of the couch and moving some papers to sit down close beside him. 

He snapped out of whatever daze he was in. "[H3y]-?! Y/N!!" he objected, trying to reach for the papers you moved. "I'm doing [Important Business] work [On A Late Night]!"

You frowned at him. "It's... two in the morning..." Your gaze went to the TV screen. "Are you studying commercials again?"

He stared at the papers around him, having given up trying to get the ones you had moved back. "No [Vacation Days] to becoming a [Big Shot]," he mumbled.

"Spamton..." you sighed deeply, leaning forward to try to look around past his averted gaze in an attempt to meet his eyes. He finally looked at you. Past his tinted glasses, there were dark lines under his eyes. "You work really hard, but don't you need sleep too?"

"That's [Rich And Famous] coming from someone who isn't [Get A Good Night's Rest] right [Now]," he commented. 

You poked his shoulder. "Well, at least I'm trying!" you cried. He crossed his arms, and so you poked his arm a few times. "Come on, Spamton... You can't just keep doing allnighters like this..." You paused, an idea coming to mind. "Besides, I need your help," you added.

He twitched, his posture loosening again. Then he fully turned to look at you. "[Will Assist You] with what?" You smiled. That was one thing he could not resist: the temptation to help you with something. It was probably a trait that stuck with him from being essentially born as a business man, ready to jump at any opportunity someone could need a product.

"I came down here because I couldn't sleep," you admitted. "But, um... I figured that since you're warm and like a little teddy bear... that maybe you could help me fall asleep?"

His cheekbones and nose heated up to a cherry red, his eyes darting over his papers. Amusement settled inside you as you could tell he was weighing his options. "How about a [Deal] you [Can't Pass Up]?" he offered, giving you his usual charming grin.

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